3-2-1 is pretty fun!

And those queue times! My goood! The most we were waiting (I did duo with my gf) was 1 minute! We checked all 3 roles to try. Mostly got support or dps (everyone’s trying the tank changes I guess). The matches were a bit chaotic, more fast-paced, it’s a bit like it was before role queue. The game is more of an fps with less team play, but I’ve enjoyed playing! Tanks are now really tanks, especially Rein and Zarya. They are super powerful (I loved the new Zarya)! All in all, hopefully something like this will be implemented in the future.


I feel this game mode is far more dynamic as a result way more engaging. There more fight among the teams. Tanks are the VIPs, DPS can get the role they wanted, and Supports apparently don’t like, but I do because I don’t like the slog fest that has developed in 2-2-2!


It sucks.



Awe come-on, it wouldn’t kill you if it was at least an alternate game mode.

How about this… If you like your 2-2-2 you can keep your 2-2-2 and 3-2-1 gets its own card that you never have to touch again. :+1:


We can’t have 20 different game modes… It will increase the queue times even more

123 only caters to bad dps players because their chances in killing something increases massively.

And only so that Mr dps main can feel better in his sad life everyone else has to suffer?
So unfair

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I mostly played Brigitte when I was supp. She’s shining in 3-2-1, got like 3 potg-s with her. :smiley:

it’s fun but it feels like 1-3-2 still needs some work… like, with 2 tanks there are ways that the other tank can cover for your weaknesses. Right now you’re just screwed if the enemy plays Hog and you’re playing D.Va. The counters feels real.

I hope they’re gonna keep updating the Triple Damage card before moving on to another Experimental card. 1-3-2 shouldn’t be killed off, it needs to stay alive until it’s ripe.


Yes, it’s unbalanced, needs changes, but more fun than 2-2-2, which needs great team coordination. Which we don’t really have under GM. 3-2-1 looks better for solo queue.

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222 is way more fun…
As a support main I had zero fun playing 123


Try Brigitte or Mercy. They shine!

Nice I can play 2 out of 6 supports, fun game :))


Actually I’ve punished bad dps more with 132. They’ve been much easier to farm and their bad call outs are easier to exploit

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Tanks melt like butter between Hog’s third and fourth chins, while Mercy is the only good support. Ana and Zen just get murdered instantly by flankers, Baptiste has some of those issues but also can’t use AoE because the DPS are everywhere, Lucio and Brig are ineffectual. And Moira can survive the flankers and can heal, but doesn’t have the reach for DPS.

On the bright side, this is a good replacement for QPC. Two easy targets, one satisfying punching bag, three even duels.


There’s also Moira and Lucio, Bap was fine too. Zen was hard for me, because of Doomfists, so i switched.

Moira can’t do anything when people are scattered around
And guess what, that’s what happens with 3 dps players


Idk, we played Moira + Brig and we did fine. Brig is a bit must-have tho to shut down Dooms and other flankers.

Sure you probably played 123 one time and have to come to the forums and show everyone how much better it is than 222

No, we’ve played around 12 matches, to get 9 arcade wins + test Zarya, and some more for fun as duo. Played for 2 hours (the queue times are that good) long.

I’m sorry but I can’t help but disagree completely with the OP, as overall 3/2/1 is absolutely terrible from every aspect if you’re playing Tank and just a tad bit better if you’re playing Support…

Hope this change doesn’t go through and it thankfully won’t, as long as devs act logically and realize that it’s not worth it ruining the experience of so many Tank and even Support players (as if they already weren’t in a bad enough state already) and sacrificing the arguably great overall state Overwatch has been at for the past weeks for the sake of catering to the same old DPS players, due to the behaviors of many of which, systems such as role - lock had to be implemented in the first place so many months ago…


This is a first in a long time.