Changed the Ult. Would you mind giving it a look?
yes but there would be lots of wheel puns
20 characters
i hate this
A defensive main tank with no barrier.
Places 2 miniature mei walls for cover and block potential.
Rail gun left click
Ult is a defensive ult where your team all turn to stone for X time and can’t move or do damage but also take no damage.
Or something along those lines
A battle rifle dps
Turret hero whose turret works like Patriot missile, auto blocking some damage coming in but dealing none.
Also a heal turret or reload turret
Hero that buffs teammates CDs
The game desperately needs another skill based main healer so Ana players get some variety but I don’t have any ideas
nope, but it though it could be broken by certain movement abilities like Blink, Fade, Translocator and Shadow Step, basicaly things that make you vanish or move way too fast.
Cool concept indeed. kudos.
My newest concept: ^ stupid trust level loss.
Please let me know what you guys think. Feedback is appreciated.
Something smells like beans…
A hero concept I got stuck in my head is for a hero made in contrast to Sombra
I am afraid I only have a story and character description and only one idea for an ultimate ability but I hope you will listen and give some feedback
Name: Oliver Lumiere
Starting from his name we can see the contrast and theme of the character in relation with Sombra
Lumiere means light in french which is in contrast to Sombra which means shadow in spanish.
His first name Oliver is simialr to Sombra’s real name, Olivia.
Lumiere will be a hacker like sombra and have equipment similar to hers. He will have a ‘hacking aura’ like her but instead of purple it will be light blue and instead of hexagons he will have circles.
So Lumiere and Sombra are both different and yet alike. That is the theme of the character.
Lumiere’s parents were native to France but they moved to Mexico and their son was born there. So Lumiere is of French heritage but was born and raised in Mexico. Just like Sombra he lived through the ominc crisis and watched how his parents were slaughtered by the robots. He was orphaned and had to do what he could to survive living on the streets.
It didn’t take long for him to discover his talent in programming and exploit it to the fullest. He made a decent living selling tech upgrades, software improvements and hacking for the Loss Muertos gang. He din’t particularly like the gang or care about their cause but they were the best place for him to make money fast.
I thought he is the one who provided Sombra with all her advanced hacking equipment. The two meat in the gang and worket together all the time and become fairly close friends. But after the ‘Eye’ incident that forces Sombra to disappear the two went their selarate ways.
Over time Olivers skills in programming and inventing got better, so much better. He made several breakthroughs in programming, developing an entirely new programming language, super advanced software and even managed to kidnap omnics and study them, learning how to create advanced AI. Despite not having the greatest equipment and no quality education Oliver’s work was decades ahead then anything on the market. The software is able to improve the efficiency of any digital equipment by at least 30% the system proved especially useful in weapons systems. With these new advancements Lumiere decided to invest into a cyber security company, the advanced systems he developed gave Lumiere a clear edge over his competitors. It didn’t take long for Bright-Security to become one of the top security companies out there having a clean record of 0 failed attempts in stopping hackers.
Powers and abilities
Battle suit: a skin-tight suit he created himself made to be invisible and having a variety of hidden weapons and gadgets. The suit is white with light blue stripes and includes a helmet.
(Design inspired by StarCraft 2 ghosts.)
Going with Lumiere’s skill in upgrading existent technology a lot of his weapons and equipment are weapon design taken from other Overwatch characters that he upgraded and outfitted to suit his needs.
One idea I had is this:
- Oliver could hack into either Winstons computer or some other old Overwatch computer or other source of information to get the schematics for the Slipstream. If you’ve the Slipstream was an experimental plane designed by Overwatch with a teleportation matrix. Lena Oxton/Tracer was the test pilot, during the first test flight the teleportation matrix malfunctioned and both the plane and Tracer acer appeared months later and with the help of Winston who build her chrono accelerator she got her super powers.
I thought that Oliver can somehow get his hands on the schematics as well as the little data collected on the failed test flight for the Slipstream and teleportation matrix.
Our genius engineer and programmer can then upgrade the designs and create a fully functional teleporting jet that he calls the Lightstream.
You can argue that the reason the experiment failed is because of faulty programming, that is actually a common cause for failed new machines. The AI controlling the teleportation matrix was unable to make proper calculations and adjustments because they never dealt with time manipulating equipment before and that is why it ended up all BOOM. But since Oliver is the worlds best programmer it was a walk in the park for him to create an operating system that can properly manage to control the slipstreams complex and nearly unpredictable time matrix and with the amount of money he makes from his job it was also easy to acquire the parts.
2. Jet pack- designs stolen from Helix security
3. Tesla blasters: gauntlets that fire electricity, designs stolen from Winston’s Tesla canon.
Skills and talents:
Lumiere is a genius programmer and hacker. Oliver has also a quite impressive talent in inventing but where he really shines is upgrading existing technology.
The very essence of hacking is to trick the operating system, using the same codes the operating system does or other codes that are compatible with it. So, to be a hacker you must understand the programming languages and computer software’s out there.
So what would give Oliver a real advantage and would be a good basis of his security expert career is if he created his very own programming language and operating system, very different and more advanced then all the other ones used today. One time when he was young Oliver read the word algorithm and din’t know what it meant, well after searching what it means and how to make an algorithm he will learn about programming languages. He will learn quickly how it works but also starts seeing the simplicity and limitations of the language he used, he starts seeing ways to improve it, boost the processing speed, improve multitasking, faster calculations, he saw a lot of unused potential and he starts to upgrade it over and over and in the end, he created a brand new programming language and operating system to his licking.
This could be called Light-software and it proved to be superior to other operating systems by leaps and bounds. This software will be very hard to understand and hack since Oliver made it in an overly complex and messed-up way only he understands.
Making a language no one else uses would really help confuse and throw hackers off since this is something they haven’t seen before, so they don’t know where all the firewalls and the security functions are. This is what would really help put a mark for a security business, using an extremely efficient security program that only one guy on the market knows how to make and install.
With this idea I also thought of the way he can boost the equipment and technology of other characters is my firing a spider-like robot that attaches and connects to the target’s device. This little robot contains an experimental Light-AI based on Light-software that will connect to the targets computer system inside their hardware and then integrate with targets own system. This AI has the ability to quickly decipher all the hardware’s capabilities and calculate the most efficient way of using them, thus augmenting their abilities. The only problem is that little micro chip will shortcircuit and burn out because Light-AI is too powerful for such a small robot to control and will quickly overload the processors. This however will be only a temporary set-back until Lumiere figures out how to stabilize the programme.
In game abilities
• Ultimate ability- Upgrade bot:
With his hacking and other equipment he can have he can remotely modify the equipment and operating system of allies to work at optimal levels. Or if you want to be more original, instead of a damage boost he could augment his ally’s basic abilities. For example, Mercy healing ray and damage boost amount is increased, Tracer’s blink has a longer range and faster recharge, Reiner’s charge has increased speed and stun duration, Soldier 76’s Helix Rockets have a bigger blast radius, Doomfist’s rocket punch can charge to full power instantly etc.
So the ultimate ability does not increase damage but utility and efficiency of basic abilities. And his special ability announcement could be “Vamos a iluminarlo, hombre” which is Spanish for “Let’s light it up, man” which is a contrast to Sombra’s “Lights out translation”
It would be cool for Oliver to have other skills then hacking such as a scientist or engineer. Going with his ultimate ability I just described Oliver can have an aptitude as programmer and by modifying the operating system he can make certain pieces of equipment work at optimal levels and make them more intuitive. It would be cool if he could upgrade things such as Tracer’s chrono accelerator and Phara’s armor.
Sombra’s ult disables all abilities even after they are boosted by Oliver’s ult. But when Sombra uses her ult on all enemies and then Oliver unleashes his ult after that, then all the allies that were hacked become unhacked and get their abilities augmented.
On the spider nano bot idea, instead of expiring he could be an actual unit attached to a character with it’s own health bar like Symmetra’s turret and the enemy has to shoot the bug to disable the boosting effect before it expires naturally.
• Torbjorn: “Stealing designs from me? Don’t you know how to innovate.”
Lumiere: “Innovation old man is simply using old ideas in new ways.”
• Sombra: “So we are enemies now?”
Lumiere: “Don’t take it personal. You get paid to get into places, I get paid to keep people out. Its just business.”
• Lumiere ultimate cry:
To enemies: “Let’s light it up” in spanish it would sound like this: “Encendámoslo”
To allies: “There is always room for improvement”; “Try this on for size” ; “System upgrade , coming up”
• “Ándale, Ándale” = Hurry up, hurry up
• Winston: “You stole the design of my Tesla canon? Doesn’t anybody know how to innovate anymore?"
Oliver: “Innovation big guy is simply using old ideas in new ways"
• “I grew up with you Olivia. I worked with you back in Mexico. I know how you think, I know all your tricks. You on the other had never seen what I can do, I was always the guy in the back. You have no idea what I’m capable of.”
Kicks this Thread. Wake up!
What have you done
you have resurrected the dead
Nice Nerco Thread!
Ive never actually seen anyone get suspended for necros
I mean, i just checked the CoC, and it doesnt actually say anything against necro-posting
so that would be false flagging and actual breaking of CoC and actually gets people banned
Oh boy. Here’s list of around 25 concepts i made: docs,google,com/document/d/1CYz_XjCMnFCD0CpeXeR-gqkSN4vDHS5Pl9JqE5oJsGw/edit?usp=sharing (replace commas with dots)
i mean…everyone bumps posts all the time…tbh…but id say just let it go
technically a thread like this is still relevant…so its not as bad…
Genetically enhanced giant spider.