2cp is gone poggers

wtf really?! For OW2 or OW?

OW1 is a part of OW2, so… both?

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And many many more rejoicing considering it was a decision made based on mass player feedback :crab:

Rip the only maps Symmetra was even decently useful on Lmao

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I hope they don’t pull a Paris. If the mode isn’t good enough for Comp, it’s not good enough for QP. Have 2CP as an arcade mode or something, sure, but don’t continue to give QP sloppy seconds.

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Honestly same. I think it’d be pretty weird, especially if they redesign the maps for other modes.

That “possibly not in quick play” lookin pretty sus

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:crab: :crab: 2CP IS GONE :crab: :crab:

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:crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab: :crab:

No more 2cp

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Hey… there’s always Lijiang Tower.


I fully expect maps like Hanamura will be reworked into a different type of game mode. There are more areas for expansion and expanding several of these maps works well into something like PvE modes allow for longer missions.

And? doesn’t mean you should invalid his/her opinion for being sad about it

I know people who would be hella happy to see KoTH removed… meanwhile I would be upset about that lol, does that mean my feelings towards KoTH should be invalidated because it’s something I like? Of course not.

Look at Open Queue it was added into the game after people were upset that it got removed from competitive and we also have QPC in the arcade for the same reason, Oh and Open queue was removed from the Arcade and put as a proper competitive mode much later too.

so yeah, treating people badly over something they enjoy just because you don’t enjoy is, isn’t very nice.

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That’s not true. Or, it wouldn’t be true in any other community than Overwatch.

‘Competitive’ modes typically have their own rules, why not their own selection of maps with a competitive focus to them? That might actually HELP the game in the long run.

2CP’s presumably being pulled because it’s not up to snuff and they don’t know how to (or simply can’t) fix it. I don’t see why we should have to put up with an unpopular mode over in QP. As an Arcade mode or available for custom lobbies, sure.

I don’t think it was a problem with people disliking defense. It’s just that you had this predicament on the second point where after a lost fight, the people on defense would always choose the same characters (e.g. Lucio, Hammond, Tracer) and then just come out in droves not to fight, but just run around the point and stall. Also, if the attacking team losses a team member, that’s a pretty heavy loss compared to the defense losing a team member.

Overall, for me, mistakes felt like they were being heavily punished in 2CP, where if a team member gets picked while you’re on the attack, you have to wait until they come back before pushing and if you lose a single team fight on defense, you get plowed and lose the round.

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Huh? Sym is a KotH goddess.

Temple of Anubis is one of my favorite maps D: