2.8k Support/EST/looking for comp duo/trio, let's climb!

Hey, I’m a Mercy/Ana/Moira/Bap main who is looking for people to duo/trio comp with. Pls have mic. Peak 2.8K, currently 2.3k :scream:My goal is to climb to Masters (within a few months); I’m working hard to improve my game (playing almost every day, doing VOD reviews, aim training etc).

I am a female, only mentioning this bc I do get toxicity in comp voice chat pretty often simply for being gorl, just FYI. But I like to think that my friendliness and enthusiasm make up for the (potential) additional toxicity. I’m in my late 20s, other older ppl would be cool.

Bnet dankaroni#11271

Hi, are you close to or on the Americas region? This matters mostly in terms of latency and time difference. Would you be open to doing anything besides competitive? BtW, I’m also female; you won’t be getting any issues in that regard. :smile:

Edit: My bad, I completely missed the “EST” in the title. Already added you, looking forward to gaming together!

Oh derp. I forgot to put NA – yeah I’m in the Americas. I’m totally down to play other game modes :smiley:

Im 4.3k Peak, 3500 Open queue, and around 3200 in every role rn, Masters supp. Im down to game! Drama#1419