27 Years Experience ... still acting like day one

Can somebody explain to me why would you let people wait in line to play on a patchday. Dont u have enough experience by now to know and expect a higher load when a content patch comes out ? like wtf ?

Then u just drop a 14GB Patch out of nowhere. 14GB … are u guys serious ? No preload, no warning, nothing. 27 Years and still acting like first day amateurs…
Dont u remember early days of World of Warcraft where u got feedback for your patch process ? u evolved just right back: no communication, patchnotes are visible in launcher hours or days after release, and now everybody is getting load balanced to x B/s … yeah thats right … we are downloading in Bytes!

Well who could have expected high stress when releasing a content patch … damn, sometimes i really ask myself what your Product Owners are planning … put a frickin Business Requirement into every sprint with a content patch and MAKE SURE U LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES!!!

27 Years and acting like day one … like u just started in the online gaming business… it makes me very sad, since i thought so much of u guys.


They could not pre-download this patch this time. This is because they had to download, install, then download more:

makes me even more sad :frowning: means qualitymanagement has set standards so low, that they dont even bother letting ONE guy go through the patch procedure before releasing it :frowning:
should be part of definition of done for any of theire content increments … technical qualitymanagement ensuring content is delivered customer friendly … its done in like 1-2 hours :frowning:

You don’t understand, pre-downloading this specific content would make your client no longer work before the new patch was ready to go live.

you dont understand… even if you can not preload, u can communicate, which somehow failed.

and showing low download rates instead of what actually is happening is also something which should have been cought in qualitymanagement procedures … what is this ? 5 man basement gamedeveloper crew or blizzard ? i mean come on … any other business besides gaming they would be out of business by now. facts