222 is terrible, needs to be reverted

Well, you are not wrong :slight_smile:

Stopping the smurfing in the lower ranks so we could retain players would have done more.


Yeah because I will spend my time waiting 10 minutes instead.

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They didn’t or they couldn’t? If you ask me to switch to a hero that I never play then I wouldn’t likely switch either. But I would swap roles with someone who can, except now I can’t.

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nope only change to be made could be to allow one personn to switch role so that there s always 2 2 2 to start the game

Then leave this game. Or play quickplay “CLASSIC” instead.

3 years. 3 YEARS of blizzard allowing any selfish picks you can make in comp. Being slaves of RNG system and praying that you get teammates who not only fill, but also know the role they’re filling. 3 Years of facing full teams with 4 instalock dpses. 3 Years of having 4 mercy mains in one game fighting over picking mercy. 3 Years of instant regret when entering a game and seeing 3 one tricks in your team. 3 YEARS of goats, triple tank, triple and quad dps and all the garbage this game could throw at you. 3 Years of limited balancing because of the restriction of not having a role restriction.

It’s enough. Role que should have been implemented years ago, and it was already too late anyways.


watch people complain about double shield and double sniper so much, the dev will force, (1+1) - (1+1) - (1+1), where you’re only allow:

  • 1 Main Tank, and 1 Off Tank
  • 2 of either 1 Damage, 1 Sniper, or 1 Utility
  • 1 Main Support, and 1 Off Support

You know it is bound to happen, lol.


Honestly, when i first got on the forums and people said:

“I hope the devs fix Comp.”

I was thinking things like: “cracking down” on Smurfs, maybe tightening SR ranges for more fair and balenced matches (a 1,000 SR range, in the lower ranks is pretty wide), a better report system and cheat detection (they are trying to do this), work with Microsoft and Sony to get M&KB off of Xbox and PS4 (this and smurfing run rampant here), design a proper tutorial to help players learn and understand the team side of this game, etc.

Honestly, I expected them to do anything other than strong arm the player base and limit their freedom. Especially, by using a system that is fundamentally flawed, like 222. Because, they know for a fact, that their player base is not split up like that. And it was a recipe for disaster from the start.

Oh, I’m waiting for it. And, I’m sure when that doesn’t even work out, because people won’t be picking the “right” Main Tank with the “right” Off Tank (and so on), people will then want to force team comps. Like, you must play Orisa/Hog, Rein/Zarya, etc.

Because, some people seem to think that the more they limit and restrict the player base, in the name “structure”, that it will automatically make them Grand Master or something.

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Cutting Smurfing, boosting, tightening the SR limits would have done so much more.

The biggest thing they should have realised by now is that you can’t force players to play how you want them to play.

Role queueing isn’t going to suddenly make DPS peel for their tanks and Support. It’s not going to change the attitudes held by many players that Tanks and Support are for various reasons ‘inferior’ to DPS roles.

It’s taken barely two weeks and it’s already abundantly clear that the only SR that matters is DPS SR. And that carries through into game. Not just with bad attitudes and toxicity, but also when players do queue those roles to pick up their daily loot box, they just don’t care because they have nothing meaningful to lose.


It,s really funny how we see now so many players who want to be able to switch when, before 222, we had 4-5 dps games with no switch until 80% of the game was gone.
It’s also funny to see people asking for rôle switch when they are even not able to switch properly inside one role in order to counter adversity.


Maybe if we had like half a dozen more Tanks and Supports each, that could be less of an issue.

IMHO Sigma was a huge missed opportunity to fill gaps Tanks genuinely have in options to switch to, instead he’s not offering much of anything new.

OMG you won the thread :rofl:

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You are so right it hurts. They COULD have done stuff so much simpler, and and more effective.

I’m happy to see roleQ, but not at the cost of not doing all the rest of this stuff.

Bruh if you can’t spam grenades at a shield with junk idk what to tell you.

No, role queue improved the game by a mile. Of course, it didn’t fix all the problems, but no one said it would. Learn to accept it or go play qpc or go play an entirely new game.

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I have zero time on Junkrat as I despise him, so I don’t even know his controls.

You can still change characters within your role.

Then don’t play tank.

If you want to play the most popular ride, then wait in the line. DPS main here.

My tank SR is in high gold, my support SR is in high plat. If I switched off support to tank in the middle of a match, I am a detriment to my team by a rank.

Many players are stronger on one role over the other. The old ways could arguably been seen as soft throwing.

Super simple, aim at shield, right click, repeat till shield no longer exists. Your argument is only viable at high tiers of play. If your in gold you can easily adapt to the situation as needed. I suck with Winston but I have been playing him on tank because he counters sym and her turrets. If my trash goldness can adapt anyone can.

I love 2-2-2 and hope it stays for good. Lately I’ve had better games and teammates that actually help win more games.

Role Queue should’ve been there since the game release to begin with.

You want to go back to when you could “flex” to a role you admitted to being bad at? How does that help a team?