213 Match Analysis: Matchmaker Bias, Surprise Findings, Etc

To be absolutely sure I’ve not misled your understanding here: I threw only 18 QP support games, in total, ever. Not some before each session; after that, I only warmed up in QP on tank, DPS and Mystery Heroes.

Yeah, it’s bad enough that I might essentially be putting out misinformation (if people run too far with what I’m saying). I don’t want a lot of throwing on my conscience, too.

And QP stats related bias is still only one potential cause (or contributor) to possible comp matchmaker bias. But sure, it’s the only one I know how to test in a somewhat controlled fashion.

I think Cuthbert alludes to a second option, here (or I’m projecting my thoughts):

I.e. if having good stats works against you, as a strong player with the matchmaker counter-balancing you… Then it would be best to throw as hard as possible in unwinnable matches, to reduce your average stats.

I don’t like that at all; I always play to win. And double-guessing the outcome, early enough for this strategy to help, is going to be distracting and prone to becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. Too many players seem to do this by default, anyway. For psychological reasons, I’d guess (wanting to be in control of events, even when they are not).

Anyway, talking of the devil…

Yeah. I think his polemic against MMR is closest on the business and political/philosophical side. But selective on the technical side, in touching on some possible truth of experience, but glossing over the limits of these. In order to pitch a more rousing call to arms.

Part of my reply to his thread:

Right. That’ll always work. Even in a paradigm where one is getting counter-balanced in matchmaking. If you play better than yourself. And that’s going to happen naturally, for (new) players, as they learn the game.

… Provided that the matchmaker’s player metrics are somewhat slower to adjust than the rate of your improvement. Or the degree of counter-balancing is capped.

But for those of us who know as much about how to play well (in theory) as is reasonable to know, who are mostly limited by physical ability to process the information in real time and execute on it… There’s maybe more chance of being stuck, a little way short of one’s ability.

Good call here. I’ve added a win percentage per map graph to my main sheet, and wow, heh: https://imgur.com/4yBWlc5

The maps I hate most, I have low win rates on (I wonder which came first). I felt like I was getting Hanamura and Volskya all the time too. Horrible chokes to break, 2CP at it’s best. It seems to be across all my roles, so no one hero strat to go try out.

In these matches, it usually feels like a lack of team co-ordination problem. And a lack of initiative. Compared to enemy team rolling together more.

Route 66 and Junkertown, too, (but the latter with relatively low play counts) - both I dislike as their first points are very open, sniper friendly maps (not that I have to worry about enemy snipers hitting me in low gold/silver, it’s just different, to most other maps).

Oof! Was that within the last half dozen seasons? There used to be a lot more weirdness like that years past… No disconnects/leaver penalty, on your end, of course?

Oh, and thank you for replying, so that I can now too. Gotta group all my responses into a minimum of posts though, apparently… :confused: