2021 Winter Wonderland Skin Predictions

It’s been frantic time for Blizzard, so let’s discuss something with more levity to it.

Winter Wonderland 2021!

Seeing as WW will most likely drop a little over a week from now, let’s make a usual prediction list.

As with typical wishlist, I’ll type down picks to characters who haven’t had a Legendary skin from the event, haven’t had one in a long time, and/or whatever reason. 5 Legendary and 3 Weekly Epic skins as usual.

For comparison sake, I am pointing out Master Ian Gamer’s wish list because he and I have pretty similar regards to who gets what and why for skins this year. But I have a few minor changes.


One of the most popular characters in the game, and still no Legendary yet for old Dva. Well, seeing as Blizzard have been really great at giving skins to characters who dont have any this past year, I think it is a good bet she and Genji will finally get one. There’s never been a shortage of skin ideas like Pepperment, Starlight Chaser, Snowman, and even just plain ugly sweater (which I think everyone would love for all the cast). Yet while any of those could still work, I’ll go with one of my own: Caroler Dva. I know a person who carols usually do not have a theme because they are just singers, but Dva herself could dress up as a Victorian look and the MEKA could be a green Tree-like Mech or even a sleigh.

Like Dva, the cybernetic ninja hasn’t gotten his Winter Legendary skin yet, so lets change that. So I’ve seen ideas like Jack Frost, gingerbread, or him wearing a parka jacket (think Mortal Kombat Sub-Zero look), and I think him wearing something akin to his brother, Hanzo, might fall in line with his look. Seeing as Hanzo’s WW is “Casual” look (funny enough considering OW2 Genji skin looks a lot like Casual Hanzo), I’m thinking something simple for him as well. Ugly Sweater could work, though it might be too similar to Soldier 76 look. Hmm. I don’t know, if you ideas for Genji regarding WW, I’m sure that could work.

Wrecking Ball
Our favorite super-brained Hamster has no shortage of ideas for what his Legendary could look like. He could be a giant snowball mech with Hammond wearing a beanie, an shiny ornament you find on a tree, or a even snow globe. Let me give my skin suggestion here. I think I can see Hammond is a Snowplow. Seeing as Torbjorn is a Lumberjack, I think making the Wrecking Ball, especially in his Ball form, into a tracker makes sense as a snowplow and Hammond wearing similar looking lumberjack clothing.

If you notice, most of Bap’s Legendary skins are festive in nature. His Summer skin he’s got shorts, Hawaiian shirt, and coconut gun. His Anniversary skin he’s a disco dancer. So I think, if his WW Legendary was an indicator, I believe his skin would follow something similar. I tried looking up Haitian clothing for Winter and they mostly do have anything different than most Christian themed holidays. I honestly do not know what could work, so here’s two ideas. One could be another reindeer skin akin to Roadhog’s Rudolph skin, only because Bap’s super jump reminds me of a flying/jumping reindeer. And the other idea I thought of is Lights. I thought maybe have Bap wear an Ugly sweater with lights all around his body that are plugged into his backpack. Really make him look gaudy looking.

Either way, if you have any ideas for him, have at it.


My last pick is a tough one, but I’m going with Pharah.

I love and adore Orisa and agree she should get a Reindeer skin, but seeing as we already have two tanks for this years wish list, I think three tanks is just asking for too much (I think the last event to have three event Legendary Tanks skins was Lunar 2017???). And Ashe could get one, as the internet has already suggested BOB be dressed in a Santa outfit. Maybe call Ashe “Naughty” skin and base it around that, which fits the theme for her to a T.

Buuuuuuuuuuuut again, I’m going with Pharah because she too is another character that hasn’t gotten a Legendary skin for WW and she’s been out since launch. I know, Pharah is not popular either and also hated, so most of the time people neglect her on most fronts. So with Pharah, she can easily be a reindeer, because they fly; or maybe she can be a shooting star.

Orisa ( covered in blackish Coal)
Sigma (tosses friutcakes instead of Hyperspheres)
Zenyatta (tinsel)

What are your hope and skin suggestions?

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I really really want a Mrs. Claus/Holly Mercy skin in a red dress with white trim, holly in her hair, and mistletoe on the tip of her staff. It’d be so cute. And maybe a little jingle bell sound during GA.

I also really want D.va to get the WW skin from that one official artwork that OW posted on Twitter. The pink-ish one where her hair is long!


ok heres my biggest wish:



If theres no Dva or Genji then whats the point lol.

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I think someone is gonna get a “Frozen” skin, someone will be a “Monster” (like a Goblin or something like that), someone will have a “Festive” skin (like a present or with ribbons) and finally the “Santa Claus” themed skin for someone.

I would say those in order would be :

  • Baptiste
  • Mercy
  • Echo
  • Dva
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Mercy… need a new legendary skin, its last recently almost 2 years …

This this, and this. Ive been waiting for so long for a true competitor to the Witch skin, my favorite, and a Nice Mrs Claus skin would be exactly what I want.

And another part of my christmas list is a color variant of Dragoon, to something that isnt green, ITS ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS, PLS MR SANTA


i hope i dont blow all my credits as i need stuff for d.va and Tracer both maybe i will get lucky and get it in a lootbox if d.va gets one

Its been 3 years since Symmetra got her skin so I think she should get another this year. Also Dva really should get one this year.

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Imagine other players like other heroes.

FULL predictions:


McCree (Could be something to do with a scarf instead of a carpet around him)
Tracer (Frost like hair and a winter outfit of some sort)
Wrecking Ball (A christmas ornament or a snowball)


Genji (A full ski outfit and a visor)
Roadhog (Decaying elf aka a minion of Krampus so it fits with Junk’s legendary)
D.va (Gingerbread house)
Mercy (Some kind of christmas angel)
Reaper (Dark winter ghost)

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I wish Xmas Legendary skins for DVA, Genji, Orisa, Pharah and Wrecking Ball.

DVA, Genji & Orisa should be the top priority as they both had zero Xmas skins since their release.

Both Pharah & Wrecking Ball are worthy mentions since they both missed a Xmas Legendary. Plus, they both hadn’t received a Legendary skin for long time. (Pharah: Lifeguard from Summer 2020; Wrecking Ball: Submarine from Anniversary 2020).

Baptiste deserves an angel themed skin. Based on his two voice lines:
One of vanilla voiceline: “Do I look like an angel of Mercy to you?”
One of Xmas voiceline: “I’m some kind of angel.”
Maybe a nice white suit or tuxedo dressed up for Xmas party.

I think the notion AndyB went into the Dva WW skin want and teases this pretty much all but confirmed Dva’s getting a skin.

Imagine knowing what a joke is.

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She already has an epic and a legendary for the event.

Let those with nothing in the event for 6 years get their turn first.


Other heros repeat skin :wink: , Torb… Junkrat… Mei… Zenyatta and others, Why can’t Mercy? To be banned from all events and not the other heroes?

They shouldnt have gotten so many but we shouldnt deny a hero who has gotten nothing for 6 years a skin because of Mercy who already has 2.

No hero with 2 skins for an event should get another until all heroes have by least 1.

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She has been practically 2 years without receiving a new legendary skin, not like other heroes who have been receiving, she is tired of this nonsense.

Other heros repeat skins and Mercy no ¿Why? , ok.

I’m always bad at predictions so I don’t do them.

Instead I’ll add who I’d like to see get skins for this event.

  1. Mercy. I think Mercy is among a list of heroes that has a lot of really high tier skins that I enjoy. If only I didn’t loathe her play style, I could fly around in my Pink Mercy skin more often than twice a year.

  2. DVA. Like Mercy, DVA has a long list of S tier skins. I’d like to see her get another because I almost always like what the artists come up with.

  3. Winston. He needs more skins.

  4. Zarya. She needs more skins. Zarya may have the least amount of good looking skins over any hero currently.

  5. Ball. Same issue as Zarya. She may beat him out by an ounce.

  6. Genji. It’s time for another skin for him.

  7. Hanzo. Same as Genji.

Mercy doesnt have feelings, she is a hero in a video game.


She hasnt been getting skins because she already has so many.

Let heroes like Genji, Dva, Orisa etc get their first legendary before we start giving Mercy skin #3.