2019 Overwatch League All-Star Game - FINAL

And someone has a jumbo Jeff Kaplan head…

Well played Malik, well played

okay but Muma’s jumper is actually fire

its funny how im literally a better cook than any of those players

Double tokens for watching by the way.

My confidence in my cooking skills just skyrocketed


The true feeling of playing Reaper :rofl:

ikr. FeelsGoodMan

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CURSES! The Justice lost…again…what has this world come to?

if every stage was just all-star week id be so happy. i live for this kind of stuff

I’m fully expecting Sideshow to end world hunger tonight


You just want the double tokens…amirite?

LMAO I see what you did there…and I approve

It’s an added bonus :wink:

i absolutely LOVE goldenboy’s shirt

what on earth is that shirt?!

WutFace WutFace WutFace

under a minute. It took Goldenboy less than 60 seconds to drop a Tmobile plug

When is the last date to buy the skins?

its a shame im on the atlantic side bc that means i want semmler to lose :frowning:

Soe to Pacific: “It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the D.Va bomb again.”