>20 Minutes Support Queue Masters 4

h ttps://www.gamesradar.com/overwatch-2-daily-player-count-is-nearly-triple-the-originals-peak/

As reported

“Based on the information provided to us by Active Player, Overwatch 2 currently averages 3,145,312 players each day, with 24 million players logging in the past 30 days. The game has had a very stable number of players over the past year, with the peak being 26 million users during February 2023.”

Yes, take the exact numbers with a pinch of salt. But they closely follow blizzards own reports, so are fairly accurate in terms of following a trend.

I dont see where your getting the 20% from plus they even say that its due to ow2 being free and nkt 60 dollars which is a big deal plus we still have insanly long queues longer then ow1 days

My experience suggests my queue times are shorter than OW1, where id often have 15+ minute queues.

Think the longest I’ve had in a year+ of OW2 is 5 minutes.

Unless my anecdotal evidence isn’t good enough, but those that agree with you are?

All im saying is i have worse queue times then i did in ow1

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And I don’t.

As I said, it’s probably a time of day + rank thing.

I assume you’re not bronze or GM, so you won’t have the longest queues.

Im gm3 on support and masters 1 on dps

Theres your answer then. Low player numbers in GM, long queues.

Only solution is to widen the match making for GM players, but then they’d cry about potential diamond players in the lobby.

Silver to diamond. Queues are nothing of note.

The long queues are bronze and GM because they have the smallest pools to pick from. Bronze will be eased next season with the grouping rules. GM will always suffer it seems.

please stop replying, you are just acting like a clown,


Ah yes. The “you disagree so you shouldn’t be allowed a voice” approach… Always a good path to go down.

h ttps://dotesports.com/overwatch/news/overwatch-2-rank-distribution-all-details-so-far

For reference, last month, bronze was 10% of players. So of course queues will be longer than if you were gold.

Also, remember than bronze is the biggest SR range across all the ranks. So 10% of players are in a 1500 SR range. Where as 25% if players are in gold, which is only a 500sr range.

It’s quite obvious why silver to diamond queues wil be shorter than bronze.

The answer for bronze is to loosen the grouping restrictions and hope they improve.

I’m sick of long que times as well. I would still play support even if it was weak. Hopefully Mauga makes tank more appealing.

Grouping up makes the support que times way way faster, but the games are going to be far more coordinated and skillful to win as you are likely facing other groups.

If you can find some people to duo or trio with you will get faster ques

Do you have some evidence of this?

A high pop game will not exhibit the large queue times we are observing. It will not exhibit the same people over and over, shuffled around back and forth. It will not have to relax it’s search, shipping people in from wildly different ranks. It will not host people from all over the world, on wrong servers, and/or will offer regional immediacy.

Argument from math (no data, just queuing theory and population ranking laws).

27 mins support queue in silver during primetime tells us there isn’t enough of a stable population to support that part of the ladder, which by induction makes the rest of the ladder ranks fake, meaningless, or undeserved.


Yes. The figures are published in many news articles.

ok the community will take that list of relevant, trustworthy, up-to-date links to your sources. Link those “many” articles and figures please. Thanks.

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I’ll give you the news article… But you’ve already given yourself a get out. What ever source I give you cry “not trust worthy”. Even when I’ve cross referenced the numbers with the annual reports myself. You’ve applied too many caveats, you are being deliberately disingenuous to play up to a crowd.

h ttps://www.gamesradar.com/overwatch-2-daily-player-count-is-nearly-triple-the-originals-peak/

h ttps://www.gameleap.com/news/overwatch-2-player-count-stats-december-2023

Even if we give you the benefit of the doubt (i.e. ‘trustworthy’), then where are the figures from OW1?

I see nothing here to support the claim:

Do you have the figures for peak OW1 as well?


And there we go. You gave yourself an out and executed on it. Lol

As I’ve mentioned before, take the numbers with as big a pinch of salt as you require. The trends and patterns are the key.

The numbers and trends correlate with the number ls in the financial reports sent to shareholders. So, I’ll take them for what they are.

You can provide counter figures if you wish, or want to claim they are lying to shareholders… Which is a major crime. So yeah.

Let us review. You claim:

you provided 1 article to suggest current OW2 numbers.
you have not provided an article or source of peak OW1 numbers.

ok please provide the financial reports comparison of peak OW1 numbers to current OW2 to support your claim.

Your entire argument centres on this, so it’s worth your while to back it up and provide the community with those insights.

Meanwhile 27 minutes in queue. A high-pop healthy game does not have that kind of wait time. Even in the “low pop ranks”. Low pop ranks of high-pop game is still fast queues. Because if your claim is true, the game has more players live right now then OW1 peak.


They available to the public on the blizzard website.

Lol. I am not arguing. I just stated reported numbers. You’re arguing they are wrong and want more and more proof, which you will find another way to claim you need more proof.

Please reference the figures you’re basing your claim on.

You didn’t link, state, or cite anything.
Please, show us the comparison of peak OW1 concurrent to live concurrent.


I’m not one for spoon feeding people. If they truly want to know something, they’ll look it up.

But as I’m a little bored of your disingenuous trolling. Here.

h ttps://investor.activision.com/annual-reports