2 New accounts, placements done together, wildly different SR

My gf and I both got accounts recently. We did all 10 of our placements together. She ended up with an SR of 1977 and I ended with 2229. Why are they so different? I figured individual performance was included in the equation but this seems pretty extreme. I was typically fill, and usually had at least 1 gold each round. She was typically Moira, almost always gold heals.

placements are almost entirely driven by where you left off the prior season

If you left off 2000 and go 5/5 you’re prob gonna place 2000. Go 7/3 and maybe you place 2100.

There’s other factors though. I ended 3600 one season and went 2 wins 8 losses and placed 3800. This is because I queued in the morning and was in 4000-4200 games every time so I think the system thought I wasn’t supposed to win these games.

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Well that’s the thing. I read another post detailing this… but these are two new accounts. we’ve never played comp before.

Then you’re just better than her, at least on the hero’s you played relative to others. But really ~250 SR isn’t much


Quickplay also influences your sr for new accounts. For the time you leveled your accounts in qp, it took into account your skill and then applies that to your first placements.

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Quick play does not matter, but performance statistics does (Initial Competitive Skill Rating, Decrypted). And everything is weighted very heavily for your first ever placements. So it looks like the OP had statistically better performance during placements.


Damn, I need to read through that post of yours but that explains it already. Thanks!!!

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medals don’t matter, your performance is measured against other people playing on the same rank on the same map the same hero in the same round. you can have 5 golds as moira and still be worse than the average moira in your position.

and 200 sr is not that much of a gap honestly

it just shows that the system works as intended

Stop feeding Blizzard.

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I don’t mean to laugh or be rude, but please dont take what I’m about to say personally:

300 points is not a huge difference, and thinking as such is proof you don’t have a solid understanding of the range of players that are scattered between silver and diamond, and how little skill difference there is among them. If anything landing 300 points within ur other accounts range is basically confirming Blizzard’s system ranked you accordingly.

But honestly, this is coming from someone who has played more hours of overwatch than he’s seen sunlight in the past two years, the SR range from ~1700 to ~2800 encompass pretty much the same skilled tiered players. It’s at either end of this range that you really begin to dip into the “noticeably better players or worse players”. Not only via hardset skill, but also game logic and understanding of the game.

Just keep practicing my dude. Overwatch is a very in depth game. Don’t get too side tracked with ur “SR” or other conspiracy theories people have against the ranking system

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He’s right. Quickplay games during your initial 1-25 levels greatly influences your initial SR when you decide to enter competitive. I’m too lazy to find the source, but I also believe Blizzard never has shared anything remotely specific on this matter, but it is an absolute fact. I have even took the liberty once to creating a support ticket asking if they could shed light on the specifics of this matter. They will not do anything other than respond with a very vague and generic response, and then provide to you a link on how the actual SR system works.

It’s sad that Blizzard has kind of “duped” any new player into believing their initial quick play games don’t effect your “competitive” matches. It’s one of the most deceiving things I wish I had known before even playing my first game of overwatch.

ummm so no source? sorry kinda hard to believe you might be trying to deceive me.

Hello, I was wondering if you could shed some light and information behind how one’s “skill rank” or “mmr” is determined or calculated during a player’s initial 25 levels on their account before competitive. What is most heavily considered? Does the game mode matter (quick play vs 8man ffa deathmatch)? Does it ever get a hard reset or soft reset after seasons? Etc. Thanks in advance
6 months ago
Hey John,

Game Master Fyrior here to help!

I hope your day is going well! I apologize for the wait you’ve experienced, thank you for being patient until I could make my way to you. I understand you were contacting us to see about finding more information about skill rank or mmr is determined or calculated when a player is working their way to level 25 before they can get into competitive mode.

That’s definitely understandable to contact us about this! Keep in mind that not all information is meant to be shared. With that being said, here’s the information that has been posted on the Overwatch forums that you can check out to get a little more understanding about skill rating:

Also, when you go do Competitive Matches, you have to do 10 placement matches to receive the rank each season. Here’s also more information about Overewatch Competitive Play for you:

Thank you for your time John! Take care and have a great day!
6 months ago
This ticket has been marked as Answered.
6 months ago
I appreciate the links you provided, but neither answered the question I am asking. I’ll try to rephrase for clarification.

During the initial 25 levels (before ever playing a competitive match, or gaining any SR), what factors influence one’s “skill rank” (not skill rating) or MMR? Although it’s labeled Quickplay, or Arcade, each mode contributes towards XP, and confusingly enough, also your hidden “skill rank” or MMR. It’s deceiving to think that these are calculated during games that aren’t competitive, but that is the case, and I’m trying to understand some specifics or some more information as to what influences, or is prioritized, in these hidden, behind-the-scene, calculations. Is it win%? Is it personal averages on heroes? Does the game mode matter (quickplay vs arcade 8man ffa?)? Is there a hard reset or soft reset?

Also, being a competitive gamer since day 1, season 1, how was my SR/mmr impacted after the changes implemented in season 4 (via your link). Was there a hard reset or soft reset to these statistics? I’ve come to the belief that this account has a huge disadvantage and poor mmr, as I’ve easily hit and maintained career high SR’s on two separate accounts. I have trouble understanding how the same player could be so vastly misrepresented by the system.
6 months ago
Hey John, Lormiele dropping by tonight, hope you’re doing well out there…

With most of these inquiries there’s not much info we can provide other than what has been posted on the net. The developers do not give us breakdowns on how X, Y and Z work as that’s something that they purely deal with. For ‘theorycrafting’, trying to mix, max and all that, they want players to play around and find that info on their own.

On here (https://overwatch.gamepedia.com/Competitive_Play) it mentions: “After each match, players will gain or lose a certain amount of SR. The amount gained or lost depends on several factors, including the difference between each team’s average SR, the win rates of heroes on a given map, and individual performance. Players do not gain or lose any SR when a match ends in a draw.”

As far as resets, they’re usually a bit soft. From another blue post in that S4 link (https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20753625906#post-5) “We’re pretty happy with how placements work right now, but we’re keeping an eye on them all the same. As we mentioned last season, we do lower your SR a bit initially but you also gain that SR back as you play. We’re trying to provide players with a positive initial experience of gaining SR at the beginning of a season without the matchmaking chaos of a more complete reset. It’s not perfect, but we like the results so far.”

Definitely take a look around the net, maybe hit up reddit.com/r/overwatch and other third party OW sites for more info. Take care and all the best in the meantime out there!



Some of this information is really old and no longer relevant. For example, the placement penalty from the end of the season is no longer a thing since I think s6. Unless they put it back in at s11 (i dropped 200sr that season in placements, but it didn’t appear to be a widespread thing)

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As Puck269 says, that information is pretty dated. I have an updated description here: How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 12).

No. See data here: Initial Competitive Skill Rating, Decrypted.

To add to this:

https://clips.twitch.tv/SecretiveHeadstrongWaspOSfrog - JAKE taking a fresh account, where he was playing against GMs and Masters in QP as he hit Lvl 25 on that account

Also, you could get to Lvl 25 and become Comp-eligible without ever having played QP, so Arcade-only or even Practice vs AI-only.

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I KNEW the wage gap was real! (Sarcasm)

If its a new account your SR for the first placements is based off quickplay MMR and after that it goes off comp MMR.

Correct. Placement matches are completely useless. They are just there to force people to play at the start of a season to up the participation and decrease queue times; hopefully to get more people to stick to it. They have no other purpose, as they literally don’t do anything else, frankly.

If you won 8/10 matches after placements you’d be up a lot of SR. But this almost never happens in placements. Often you end up basically within a margin of error of your ending SR from the previous season.

Not even sure I’ll bother to do them, at all, next season. I’ve played 0 comp matches post-placements this season, so far.