2 doomfist buffs and more bug fixes

Place tele. Wait. You can escape it easily

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That ult grants invulnerability and insakill potential cross map, it needs to have counter plays.
He already has little counter play. Like CC and that’s it?

Right…she can soon just teleport away. That’s nice. She can also teleport others though…

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+5 shields isn’t going to help much at all.
Need to test the changes to his ult in a live game but they feel good on the ptr.
The bug fixes to RP and wall collision feel good too.

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You can shield that ult…and we got a LOT of shields. Not to mention if he jumps on your entire team with it…he’s typically really easy to take out. That ult leaves you vulnerable for just long enough to be stunned/burned down by the enemy team. (Before it was like the easiest Scatter in the world.)

Counter play?
What about the fact that the average walk speed is 5.5 metres and the center circle is only 4.5 so anyone can walk out of it.
It can also be shielded
It also locked him in the landing animation for 0.8 of a second where Doom cannot move but can take damage

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Bugs have been and are being fixed. They are not an intended part of the core design. Moot point.

Literally every hero has abilities assigned to the same buttons, where does that go wrong with DF? Petty.

This isn’t a complaint, it’s ranting nonsense.

It’s a birds eye view game where you control and interact with 3D objects from a larger perspective on a flat plane, not the same thing as 2D.

The rest of your argument basically sounds like you want DF to be easy. It has long been evident both Rein and DF can be used very effectively in the right hands. Both HOTS and OW demand you have good awareness of your surroundings, the fact that one has a first person view doesn’t do anything but require more skill to use effectively.

I don’t see how you can call him gross and unplayable while also stating he should be massively overpowered. I think you’ve somehow managed to separate two core aspects of his design that balance him and be completely oblivious to their synergy.

  1. He has insane damage and TTK potential, combined with high CC he can lock up any target he wants when executed well

  2. He has a high skill floor, demanding you be good at him just to survive long enough for your team to call you useless, and then be even better to actually be useful. This combines with how easy he is to interrupt and kill when played poorly.

When you add 1 and 2 together you get a feast or famine hero who is balanced by how easy he can be countered if played poorly or forced into an unfavorable fight.

Then don’t play DF if that’s your opinion. But don’t got posting an opinion and being upset when someone disagrees.

What even is this complaint, Doomfist’s E and certain projectiles in the game both have travel time. Doomfist can be shot or cced out of the air and projectiles can be blocked with barriers.

Do you have anything to offer beyond these opinionated rants?


Jumping away from the center is a counterplay, putting Shields between you and the killzone is a counterplay.

Its still the worse DPS Ult offensively, using it more for reposition and escape should tell you a lot about it.

Besides I’ve been saying on my other posts, put a delay on his jump like on his highlight intro and don’t increase the width of the killzone just the width of the outer circle which does little to no damage.


Yeah, the ult can be shielded, and maybe you can move out of it.
But he is a ~400 hp hyper mobile CC heavy hero with lots of damage.
If you just buff his stats, he is going to dominate like Brigitte, except with 3x more CC.

You also have counterplay in the form of Lucio who can move you out of it faster or just Sound Barrier.

You also forget he uses his abilities for this mobility. He’s not getting it for free like Genji or Tracer. It’s a lot of management that most people don’t fully get everything out of (As that takes a lot of practice.)

I haven’t seen anyone who wants Doomfist to be OP…they just want him to be good. This is arguably the best meta for him and he’s still not quite good enough to be used despite EVERYTHING saying to use him.


Everything else is fine with Doomie, his do or die martyrdom style gameplay is fine.

Its just his Ult that irks me. hahaha

Oh! and maybe he needs an extra ammo because Thanos has more infinity gem slots than Doomie has bullets. xD

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A very large part of using meteor strike effectively is knowing when you can secure a kill for certain with it. Most of those heroes with mobility are capable of escaping it, but what if you were to bait out these abilities? They are suddenly unable to do anything to avoid it, and its usefulness skyrockets.

Another very important thing is that it’s all a mindgame, they don’t know where you are going to place it exactly, so they make a guess at it. If they happen to be wrong, they are dead.

I cant tell you the amount of times Ive had grandmaster level players use their mobility on hanzo or mccree right into it and just die because I placed it at just the right spot as to make sure if they go a certain direction, they are done for.

Wallclimb is countered by placing it at the top of the ledge they are going up to… I’ve yet to see anyone realize that I would be doing that and stop their climb. Widowmaker’s mobility is far too slow for it to matter, so you just place it ahead and she’s done for.

Tracer is irrelevant to the argument, you are not going to land meteor strike on her unless she is focusing on someone else and blinks into it by accident.

Let me stop there. I’m going to put it simply–It is a very unfair ult to play against when used correctly. It does not need buffing at all, nor does it need nerfs. If you can’t believe me on that, then no matter. Just know that it’s not the worst dps ult in the game, it really isn’t.

Yeah…that’s another popular ask that I wouldn’t mind but I don’t think is quite necessary. It’d be nice though.

No more than 2 though. The whole idea of his gun is that you’re not supposed to be poking with Doomfist, you’re supposed to thrust your opponent into the nearest wall.

True, true. He would be out of character. Can’t be a martyr if you don’t die in enemy lines hahahaha

But the abilities are awful to use.

The game model is 2D the graphics in front of it is irrelevant.

I’m fine with high skill cap heroes, but Doomfist isn’t like Widow, who requires crazy mechanical aim. Doomfist is the kind of hero, whom you need to play for an eternity just to figure out what his E button actually does.

His kit allows him to be OP, and getting hit by one ability means you can’t move.
On the other hand, his abilities are just clunky, and don’t really fit into the game.

I won’t play him. I just wish I also never had to play against him. See his overloaded kit part.

And he is already a hero, who can totally ruin the game of the enemy team. Further buffing him would just remove all counter play. And that’s an issue with the core hero design.

I woulndt mind lower charge. Considering it does the same damage as tracer’s ult but tracers ult is 1125 while his is 1500. The ult’s a generally similar in the fact that they are 300 burst damage that come out of nowhere. Yeah doomfist can move with is but its the same movement that tracer gets with her base kit and she can stick her ult so it cant be escaped


I would like it better an increment of 10 just for the clean numbers .

also 1 second cooldown reduction in slam and rising punch Is what I recommend if you want doomfist to be powerful

How often is that though? With his low pickrate and the amount of people who actually know how to play him? I don’t believe it’s that often. Right now, it’s quite a bit easier to counter a Doomfist than to play him with great success.

I don’t quite think that he is this “OP or UP, never inbetween” kind of character (As…he’s a 1v1 character. You’ll still require a lot of discipline to not blow your abilities and to properly use them to engage/disengage but still do damage. Plus, these shields only turn on after he does some damage.) I’m interested in why you think this though.

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I think our favorite dapper gentleman still needs a block ability.

I’m very happy that he’s receiving more buffs though.