2-3 disconnects in lore events

Me and my girlfriend play together on PS4, and we’ve both been getting disconnected from story game modes 2-3 times every game. It’ll kick us, usually at the same time but sometimes about 10 seconds apart, both to the play/training/hero gallery screen but “play” will instead say “searching…” and then within about twenty seconds we get back into the game.

We both play with a wired connection and this has been happening consistently since the Archives Event began. It also happens when I play on PC as well. We’ve tried everything on the support page such as resetting the router and minimizing bandwidth usage but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.


Also just to clarify, this happens in Storm Rising, Uprising, and Retribution. Story mode and all heroes. It hasn’t happened in quick play or competitive

This might be related to the issue discussed here: Disconnecting and Reconnecting only when playing the coop missions - #9 by Drakuloth