2-2-2 lock is the only way to stop GOATS

so to stop this one meta you want to completely change role selection. This would just create a new meta that people will complain about.

Ok, so… I disagree with you that 2-2-2 lock is the only way to stop GOATS. I do however think that it’s the only way to stop GOATS quickly without ruining anyone.


2-2-2 Hard role lock = Ded gaem lol

Did you have that reverse smurphing thread on forum cryers recently?

It’s not just GOATS. It’s also any comp that forces some poor sucker to solo tank or heal, which is almost always a miserable experience.

Everyone has always hated metas that stack three or more of the same role. And the hero(s) that enable such metas usually are actually balanced in a 2-2-2, or at most would only need small tweaks to be balanced in that comp… instead of being nerfed into the ground due to their power in the crazy unbalanced world of no limits on hero roles.


Did I what now?

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Nvm just checked it was firefly

Yes Yes lets remove all viable strategies and hard lock it into one forced “legit” one.


Do the sane thing and embrace goats for what it is. Another viable strategy. We need more viable strategies to choose from, not less.

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Or just stop 3 role stacking. 2-2-2 lock is too limiting, 3 role stack is the perfect middle ground. If a team picks 3 heroes if any category, you cannot pick 3 of other, nor can you pick a 4th.

Any 3-3 or 4-2 would be impossible, but creative 3-2-1 still on the table.

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I’d go with a minimum of one character from each category rather than a hard lock. It still allows for role stacking, but leaves a potential weakness. For example, you could run triple tank, but you would only have two supports.

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GOATS is the most “optimal” strategy based on the core design of the tank and healer roles themselves, not any specific hero.

Even if brig was deleted, 3 tanks 3 healers would still be the prime min-max comp.

but. 2-2-2 is MIND-NUMBINGLY boring

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The categories are arbitrary, anyway. Brigitte is far more a DPS unit than she is a support. Mei is closer to a tank than she’s a DPS. DV.A and Hog don’t even tank anything. They’re just fat DPS.

Yes it is the meta right now. Something will ALWAYS be the meta. What I’m against is the sentiment that it “needs to be removed”. That’s pure insanity. What we should strive for is to have a pool of multiple viable strategies is what i’m saying.

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Should any healer be able to solo-heal?

Should any tank be able to solo tank?

No, because that would make them unbalanced.

But without 2-2-2 lock, you inevitably have people solo-tanking and healing anyways. It’s a miserable experience for the tank) healer, and will only stop being miserable until either tanks and healers can do their job solo or 2-2-2 is enforced.

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So in short you want the dive meta back again?

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sometimes the best strat is solo heal or solo tank. sometimes three tanks two healers and one damage is the best strat. I have more fun not playing 2-2-2 than I do actually playing 2-2-2

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In the version of Overwatch that I’m playing you almost always have 2-2-2. I welcome derivations. Those games are the most memorable.

If I wanted to make sure I always get the same boring static composition, I’d get a 6 stack. I am not as selfish to expect every random internet stranger to bow to my perceived needs.

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I mean, a 2Heal limit per team, would disallow GOATs.
❌ OWL could disallow GOATs if needed

I suggested that 2 months ago, instead of the ridiculous concept that devs would nerf armor, Brig and Dva in a quickly released patch early January for release by the end of January…
Because that’s never gonna…oh.

tanks and supports will just get nerfed and nerfed without 222 … goats is still the meta on GM and owl … casual experience will go down … rip