2-2-2 lock is a disaster and here's why [UPDATED]

I have just been in groups where no one ever switches. I was in one game where there was a Widowmaker that was sniping everyone, I had queued as heals so I was stuck with that, our dps was a Pharah (who would always get sniped) and a Torb. No shield tanks (Roadhog and Hammond). Basically me and the other healer had our work cut out for us. It would have been great to be able to switch momentarily during our many deaths to say a Winston to get rid of Widow because our tanks had a one track mind and refused to switch. It just feels like the 2-2-2 forces everyone to conform to their own preference rather than a team or group. (Simply an example) Like if I choose Lucio and my friend chooses Baptiste, there probably wont be a Pharah picked, even if we needed a Pharah to counter, so a Tracer switches to Pharah and is sniped out of the sky every time, so that hero is out of the equation, because we healers donā€™t want to switch. Iā€™ve seen videos where people were getting picked off by an enemy so the Mercy switched to Widow for 2 seconds and killed the enemy hero (think it was Pharah) and then switched back to Mercy. They were then able to capture the point and hold it. I like that sort of decision making, you see a problem that no one else is dealing with so you take care of it yourself. Basically I just wish that we were given more choice like we had before. I understand they wanted to get rid of GOATS but now the group comps are just going to be so similar and frustrating for people who want try to win but are forced to leave their lives in their teammates hands who get tunnel vision and arenā€™t team oriented.

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Iā€™ve been playing Overwatch since just after it was released. I play with friends, and until this point, we have loved QP. Not many of us every play comp (the why is a whole other story). I can understand why this change would be made for competitive, but it has completely ruined Quick Play. Firstly, you canā€™t change roles between matches. You have to completely jump out of the queue to change roles, then queue again. Whatā€™s the problem you might ask? You might be playing against a team and having fun, you want to keep playing against them, but would like to change roles. You canā€™t, or you will have to requeue with other people.
For myself, I choose the hero I play based on which map it is, and whether itā€™s defence or attack, so not being able to know which map and which way we are playing, ruins my whole playing experience.
I honestly donā€™t see the need for role queuing, but if it is needed, it isnā€™t needed in quick play. Maybe make it an arcade version and leave the original Quick Play the way it always was.


2-2-2 doesnā€™t work in quick play. I Just played a match when a tank player rage quit, Then NO new player Joins the game again. The losing team all quit and the game closed because of not enough player. It is very unsatisfied.

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Itā€™s been like that for a while: eventually youā€™ll have to make whole team switch.

Exactly how I feelā€¦

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I suppose I will add my voice to the many in this thread. Adding role queue to Quick Play has ruined the mode for me for the many reasons mentioned by the OP and others in this thread. Iā€™m not going to repeat all of the reasons already mentioned and discussed; but for Quick Play folks like me, this ruins the fun of QP.

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This has now spoiled enjoyment for me, played since day one. I can not longer switch to a needed role and locked into a limited group! I mean WTF is the point of this, its QP!

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Yes role queue in QP is unnecessary. Letā€™s hope Blizzard will make classic one permanent in Arcade at least. Jeff actually said that they will be updating the arcade in october to accommodate more cards.
Hereā€™s how it will look like:
(damn have to increase my trust level soo much)

No it is necesarry it should be a training for ranked not a sh*t show

Having fun without fear of losing SR or anything is considering as s-show now?
Well, good luck with 30 min long queue time just to train your Genju for competitive.

No one said that Quickplay should be training for anything.

No one said it, but thatā€™s the reason it exists.

Itā€™s called QUICK PLAY. Which means you can do whatever you want (having fun, trying new heroes and yes, train yourself before competitive either, but itā€™s not the only thing you can do in there). Not a ā€œTraining before competitiveā€

Which implies not having any serious goals behind it.

So? Its the main game mode in the game. Everyone plays it before they play competitive. If it was a different game mode, nobody would know how to play comp.

I didnt say it was CALLED competitive training, i said it FUNCTIONS as competitive training.

It doesnā€™t. Itā€™s just introduction into game. If you want to get serious, you go into competitive.

Besides, what is ā€œknow how to play compā€?

Comp has the same rules as QP. It doesnt have the same rules as QP classic, mystery heroes, CTF or unlimited.

I didnt say it had to be serious, but its function is to be like comp so when you go into comp, you know the rules of comp.

It is literally a training mode for comp.

Except that in 2-2-2 qp there isnā€™t that much queue time for dps

I totally agree . Deleting Flex is a disaster .
If i wanna save my game by choosing a 3 tanks 3 healers 3 dps stack ā€¦IT MUST BE POSSIBLE
How to stop 5DPS stack ? A max 3dps rule in the game setup .
The 2-2-2 lock ruined my overwatch gamexeprience after 1100 hours .
Imagine a 10 min queue to find a game with a leaver ā€¦ so frustrating .


This logically makes no sense whatsoever.