1gb ptr patch just now

Btw did you guys know they use visual scripting for overwatch ? Basically connecting nodes .
Sure in the end the compiler translates the visual nodes into actual code/script ,but you get the point.


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The tanks wont be getting any love from the devs. They don’t know how to nerf 3-3 comps. If somehow throwing Brigitte in the dumpster does in fact end 3-3, we’ll be facing Dive meta all over again. My guess is the incoming meta is either: Dive, triple dive tank or hybrid dive with snipers. I doubt we’ll get better balance until Blizzard forces 2-2-2 comps.

Didn’t you hear ? They reverted Mercy, deleted Brigitte and added a Sombra emote in which she eats nachos

Fixed it.

With all the anti-tank stuff they’ve given half the DPS cast that just flattens Winston in half a second, I think if it’s not 3 Tank, it’ll still be a Deathball of some kind.

Maybe but I have doubts. Dive ruled the meta before Brigitte for a reason. Without her around I’m not sure anything can hold back dive. The dive tanks were never the issue, the DPS where. Maybe with all the DPS buffs more damage heroes can challenge Tracer and Genji more freely.

What happens if we get hybrid dive sniper meta though? Ashe is very a strong hero that will see play. Hanzo and Widow are not going anywhere either. With their mobility and burst they can be played in or around dive comps.

With just how strong DPS is now will anyone willingly play tanks outside 3 tank comps? If the game moves towards high mobility and ranged burst is there even a point to playing tanks? Sitting there getting pummeled isn’t fun or engaging.




You need someone to do that to soak that damage, which is why I feel like all that burst just reinforces a need for Reinhardt since no one does that better than him.

If you’re not able to shield from all that, you basically can’t have supports on your team.

prays for brigitte rework ult on e

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But no tank really can soak the damage DPS puts out right now. Hell, no tank duo can. That’s why getting people to tank in 2-2-2 is so hard. The buffs to range make it so hard to position without Lucio boosting you and even then you lose all your shield. With even more anti tank elements in DPS kits, Rein can’t really do anything but hold up a shield…

If goats comp does stick around without Brigitte, I believe we’ll see only two types of team comps: Goats and triple/quad DPS like in QP. Maybe solo tank in those. The truth is tanks can’t mitigate damage in 2-2-2 comps. The tanks are painfully weak in those.

At this point the only way we’ll get better balance is forced 2-2-2 comps. At least then we can tone down DPS and raise tanks up to an acceptable level for 2-2-2.

Source on this?
So that’s why her scoped shots feels so clunky.

Why do I keep seeing so many people wanting Orisa buffed?

What about her current state do you think is undertuned?

Her shield uptime is unbeatable, she can damage while shielding the team, and offers utility in CC resistance and pulls.

She’s honestly one of heroes I hate playing against the most because it turns into unending shield spamming requiring junkrat or pharah or most pug teams can’t push past her infinitely shielded frontline.

Couple her with a smart DVa (who uses DM to soak up damage incoming to the shield and DM to protect her when the shield breaks or repositioning) and you have a nearly impossible to push frontline for most pug teams.

Jayne’s (the coach and OW analyst) even argues how powerful that tank synergy is and how and why it often is a much better choice than Orisa and Hog.

Orisa is in an incredibly balanced state as a main shield anchor tank. If anything, her shield uptime needs to be reduced.

Her stats back none of that up. She sacrifices mobility for basically everything and mobility is a massive deal in this game.

Further her anti-CC is overstated. 99% of Fortify use is for damage mitigation because our barrier was broken or overrun. The other 1% is blocking Reinhardt charges and Roadhog Hooks.

We simply don’t get the opportunity to use it against most other CC because it’s pre-emptive, which means heroes with CC can very easily exploit that by baiting and waiting it out.

Rein nerfs? Rein is already the most exploitable hero in the game, Your a widow main you have the most range in the game to Reinhardt with the least range, you should not be having problems with rein unless your positioning is poo :weary::weary:

Hope that they listened to me here figures crossed: 🧞‍♀ Judging Sym Rework Primary fire and how it was a complete lie and Photon Barrier Suggestion