180 šŸ”„ Degree Spin bug for Reinhardt and Brigitte (updated for v1.30 and videos)

From the past few days Iā€™ve been playing, it feels like this bug is getting worse before it gets better. Almost every time I drop shield now, Iā€™m spun backwards.

Heck, I even had a game where, as Brigitte, my shield broke, and I got spun 180.

Iā€™ll try to gather some clips if I can (or remember to hit f9 in time :stuck_out_tongue: ).


Added some new reports.

I am a new player and I get extremely frustrated when I Earthshatter and the game 180s me and it completely misses, canā€™t believe its been around this long and it hasnā€™t been fixed. Hopefully this post is acknowledged.

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This bug, out of every one I have experienced in this game, is by far the most annoying and most frustrating one that I have come across. Sadly I have no evidence to provide because my computer canā€™t record and play the game at the same time. However, I can say that this bug is ruining the game for me and what I assume are a lot of other people too. I really hope blizzard is aware of this.

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hope they fix this bug next patch.

This bug has been out since the release of overwatch. So 3years?
This bug is not included in the blizzard known bug section, which means they havenā€™t acknowledged this as a bug, despite this megathread and the countless reports and video evidence that we have provided.

I doubt they will ever fix it.

Still having this issue even after the new patch.

I just started experiencing this issue a couple patches ago. Iā€™ve tried both pressing and not pressing certain buttons and control sticks while putting down the shield, but my input doesnā€™t seem to affect whether the bug happens or not. It is incredibly frustrating.

Whatever the problem is, I donā€™t think itā€™s related to my own physical equipment, since there is no equivalent issue on other non-shield heroes (which I would expect to see if the problem is IRL with me and not in the game itself).

Played a bit of Rein a while back and I got it there too (firestrike on my team) for the first time.

Iā€™m not sure why this isnā€™t being addressed but maybe itā€™s because they canā€™t reliably reproduce the bug. Perhaps Gyro is right, people reporting it happens to them should also state:

  • Platform (PC/Console and which one)
  • Average framerate and if itā€™s capped
  • Average ping and if it varies
  • sensitivity/dpi (just in case it has an effect on the amount of flip)

maybe thereā€™s a pattern even if it still happens at higher framerates etc.

Iā€™m on PC, capped at 30fps and ping is between 60-80ms (EU). The only consistent control bugs I get is this brig/rein shield flip and the mercy/torb weapon swap bug (where you swap but it doesnā€™t register)

sensitivity is 20 at 400 dpi. I was under the impression that on my previous higher sensitivity flips were about 180 degrees and now theyā€™re closer to 90 degrees but I was flipped as Rein 180 degrees on the earthshatter case and this was with my new lower sensitivity.

There may be a link to playing at lower than 60FPS, so i have updated my conclusion.
It seems to happen more often to players playing at lower FPS.
Given that it happens on consoles as well that are capped at 30FPS, I think blizzard should start bug testing with the game capped at 30FPS.

Having said that, there are players that have reported it happening despite playing at higher FPS, so this is not conclusive.

That makes me stop playing reinhardt for a time

Thank god, I thought this was an issue with me using a PS4 controller to play on PC. This happens to me 10% of the time I play Rein or Brig.

Still happening to me. Have the devs ever commentated on this?

Happens with 60 fps but only when using Fire Strike.

this is 100% still happening. @blizzard please fix! it was fine for a while and now its back ever since ashe hit live servers.

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Hello again :slight_smile:

I have bad newsā€¦ I had this issue on Mei also, im sad.


First time i see this bug happen to a character other than Reinhardt and Brigitte.
I suppose the Reinā€™s push while you were ice blocking at the same time bugged out the camera angle or something.

that issue from that movie it isnā€™t first time, but I didnā€™t record that earlierā€¦
anyway- I think that problem has connection with switching between third person camera and first person cameraā€¦

eg. when you re in ice, or when your shield is up, you had thrid person camera, but when sheld down or you crush ice, camera switching to first personā€¦

I supose that issue will be possible on whole heroes, who use thrid person cameraā€¦

(i know my eng is bad, i hope you understand me :slight_smile: )

Dang, they still havenā€™t fixed this? Itā€™s been around forever and so has this thread. How big does a post have to be to get their attention?

Yeap, thatā€™s what I concluded with Rein and Brig.
Itā€™s happening very often with those two heroes because they switch between two camera views constantly with the shield up and down, so itā€™s more obvious to notice.

Itā€™s a good thing that itā€™s happening to other heroes as well that switch camera mode during some abilities.
The larger the impact of a bug the more likely the devs will take notice and prioritise to fix it.