15 bucks for this is a SCAM

Dont care.battle pass plus coins. 25 dollar value for 15 dollars.

They could of just charged you 15 and gave you nothing. At least you get something extra.

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Sadly, i paid the 15 for the missions, but i used the coins for the bp, so i guess it was worth it sort of.

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Anyone who says the PvE costs $5 is dumb tbh

I’m just waiting for the separate buy to try it out. Apparently it’s good but not $15 good.


That sounds like a bug for me or you. I just got the battle pass and the coins plus the pve. 15 dollars.

Jeff announced OW2 and then abandoned it. He is quite literally half responsible for PvE and OW1 going down the drain lmfaooo.

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Can I buy it for 5 dollars then?


Sigh this is not a bad deal, you are basically getting 3 BPs all at the same time, then for a pretty small amount of extra $ you get 3 skins and PvE.

Then 20 tier skips on top of all that.

Good if you want to commit to that many BP’s. I have only bought one so far :[

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Is someone forcing you to buy it?
If you don’t want it, don’t buy it.
Do you expect everything is free in live.

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Nothing that person said implied they wanted it free though?

They said the price of entry is $15, which is currently true since access requires the purchase of a $15 bundle.

For those who were already going to buy the bp or want coins, then the missions are effectively $5, but the price of entry remains $15.

And some people simply don’t want or see value in $10 of OW coins for various reasons. Yet, they’d still need to spend $15 to get something that supposedly costs $5.

So for some it’s a good value proposition, but for others it’s not. If there was an option to just get story mode for $5, there would be fewer complaints.

Personally I’d rather pay $40-60 for a fully fleshed out pve/story, but that ship has sailed and is unlikely to return any time soon…


Like I said

If you don’t want it, don’t buy it.

Ask for refund, if denied, call your bank for a chargeback. This sale scheme is 100% immoral and deceitful.

Well their software department talent walked off. Their talent designers walked off. So now they’re just unloading artwork that had been withheld from players over the years of OW1 content droughts while their art team is still pumping out stuff. And since all that is now gatekept by heinous MTX practises there’s nothing going on for the game. Don’t expect anything from it anymore as the game is in it’s own type of “maintenance mode” at the moment

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It’s even worse than that, they’ve proven they COULD have fixed double shield but simply chose not to as a way to make OW2 seem better than it was. Not to mention the Sigma release was simply a rehash of all the problems from Brigs.

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That’s literally what’s happening, though.
People are also saying why they’re not buying it on public forums.
I dont see the issue.


This is my issue. No way to just get the missions. Pass. I’ll wait 1 year when the missions are on sale 75% off without the bundled bloat.

My friends want a few hours of content together. We don’t want to fork all that cash between the lot of us. Not for something so mediocre, delivered so late, by a studio known to rig games. You want to support their artwork and engineering, not their predatory in-game systems and bad HR policies.

OW is more fun when you stop giving them cash.
Support them by logging in, losing some games, and logging out.

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maybe we’ll get it with OW5

I should check later but I’m curious if OW2 is considered “early access” on steam.

I can see certain people still arguing that OW2 hasnt been released yet and we should wait for the full game to be out…instead of pointing out obvious and longstanding issues in the hopes that they’ll be fixed.

If it isn’t obvious I’m generally not a fan of waiting until it’s too late to do something. “An ounce of prevention” and all that jazz.

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Don’t play a F2P game then. Buy all your games box price with that logic. Dummy

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No problem. I have the 15 bucks, unlike you. I even bought OW1.
Must be troublesome to be poor, always looking for free stuff and coupons. :cry:

I can absolutely understand why people don’t want to buy the PvE missions, because they think it is too expensive.
But I don’t understand people, who want stuff, but don’t want to pay for it.
Typical freeloader mentality

Complaining in the forum doesn’t change it, because blizzard marketing and sales department don’t look in the forums. They will first react if you don’t buy it.

Compare this to any other pve shooter. I’m interested what your comparisons are