15-20 Minute Queues on DPS... In Plat

The DPS queue times are only bad if you solo queue. Even if you duo DPS someone you’ll find matches way faster than solo queue.

It’s not perfect, but I’m trying to work with it. At the end of the day, I just want my queue times not as crazy as they are now, which like I said it’s beta, everything is still in testing. I hope that with this beta they get it all sorted out during the next official comp season.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

We can all throw random statements pal. Unless you have something real to back it up besides anecdotal evidence, I call this FALSE. Mostly because it makes no sense since premades have longer queues than solo players in general.

Personally, I wouldn’t say DPS queue times need to be “fixed” because I don’t believe they’re “broken.”

I know it sucks for those that prefer to play the damage role, but long wait times are no doubt the end result of a lot of players choosing to queue for the same role. I honestly don’t see how player decision equates to a “broken” system :man_shrugging:t2:

I’ve said it once, twice, thrice, and I’ll say it again, take a rollercoaster for example… you wouldn’t call it broken that the front and back row lines tend to be longer waits for the people that choose to stand in them.


Streamers finding faster queues as duo dps. The queues went from 15-30 mins solo to 4-9 duo for 3-4 matches in a row. Yesterday i also went duo dps with my plat friend and we got 4 mins queue max while alone we were getting 8-9 minutes each.

It would seem that this is more than just “everyone is queueing for Damage”. Same thing as picking Killer in DbD, match times shouldn’t be as long as they are right now, in any game.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

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I mean, saying “get friends and it’ll be okay” is not good enough. I believe we need a real solution. Not everyone are good at just “making” friends or join LFG (Which always has “mic required”).


Literally the opposite. Ive been watching ML7, Kragie, Wanted, Barcode, Fareeha, Fitzy and nope. They find queues faster only in cases they duo with a tank.

The other thing is anecdotal evidence too.

Who said i’m good at making friends? i suffer with a ton of problems that make me a very not sociable person. There is no secret in OW, you literally win a match and ask someone if they wanna duo.

i dont understand the whole “just queue with a tank thing”…if you WANTED a better group experience grouping with a tank was already a way to improve that…theyre literally asking you to group with a tank JUST so you can play now…thats not a thing that should even have to be considered…people click that play mode button expecting to play…

I did not say you were good at making friends.

However, it might be hard for some to say “wanna duo”.

Duo-ing with people does not fix the issue.

People don’t hate widow mains, they hate widow mains that don’t kill anything.

Exactly? i literally said that. That person thinks Widow mains are hated but i said one tricks are hated not specifically Widow mains.

Yeah but it’s the only solution we currently have. I’d be willing to duo DPS mains so they could get faster queue times but as i said i’m not good at making friends so i’ll only say something when asked.

I would assume, based off the percentages, the issue the Devs will address will be the one that Bronze, Diamond, Master & Grandmaster face… and that is the issue of a lack of players populating their ranks.

For the rest of us, however, it may very well be a different issue, where DPS queue times are longer because of the large number of players all queuing for the same role. And it is therefore a more difficult issue to address.

It’s likely that the overpopulation that Silver, Gold & Plat are experiencing will require a completely different solution than the underpopulation the rest of the ranks are facing… that is, if there even is a solution besides trying to incentivize players to queue for other roles by giving them credits & loot :man_shrugging:t2:

This issue has been around forever but it has taken the form of queue times now. Before you would spend 20-30 mins playing with bad team cooperation before you got a game where youre playing with a solid team.

All the people that instant locked and played however they wanted didn’t notice these issues were here all along.


Makes sense to me. They use to play whatever they wanted, causing the rest of the team to have to “wait” for good comps by playing through bad matches.

Now they have to wait while Tanks & Supports have a better chance of getting into good comps/matches with reduced wait times.

Seems fair to me :man_shrugging:t2:

Not to villainize the DPS role, nor all the players that prefer that role (myself being one of them, though I use to be a Lucio main), but I honestly feel like a lot of the more selfish players amongst us are receiving their just deserts. And the more of them that leave OW, due to wait times, to play something else, then the better… the better for teamwork & the better for shorter lines :sweat_smile:

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You’re treating DPS players like we’re some lower form of player…

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

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No, that’s gold.

Yeah, dude higher up showed me the chart. It’s still 2nd though, so I think my comment should still stand.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,