1.45 Workshop PTR

Hey everyone, Zach and I have been hard at work on several new Workshop features for 1.45. Our focus for this patch has been quality-of-life features for creators as well as performance improvements. Many of these changes are based on user feedback, so keep those suggestions coming!

These Workshop changes are active right now on the 1.45 Public Test Realm (PTR). Because of several optimizations to the core Workshop execution engine, we’re particularly interested in cases where existing Workshop creations work differently (or not at all) in 1.45. For that reason, we encourage creators and players of Workshop modes to test as many existing game modes as possible on the PTR . Existing Workshop codes were copied from the live game to PTR this morning. Please let us know if there is anything we need to fix! The sooner you let us know, the more likely that we’ll be able to fix any bugs before 1.45 is released.

Of course, we’ve added a lot more than optimizations, so we invite creators to head over to the PTR and give them a try!

You can read about the new Workshop features in the patch notes, but here’s a quick summary:

  • Three new Workshop maps (for Custom Games)
  • Copy-paste support for the entirety of your Custom Game settings (not just Workshop)
  • Optimizations (reduced server load) for flow control and variable manipulation actions
  • Loops without Waits
  • Comments for individual actions and conditions
  • Script Diagnostics Panel (detailing how close to the size limits your scripts are)
  • New flow-control actions (If, Else If, Else, While, End, For Global Variable, For Player Variable)
  • Subroutines
  • And more!

Workshop Blog Post is here! <3


This is where the fun begins

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:fork_and_knife: workshop blog post :fork_and_knife:



Thank you for Subroutines


:fork_and_knife: workshop blog post :fork_and_knife:

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The angels of Blizzard listened!
Sounds like most excellent update, thank you

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Holy cow, these changes all sound amazing. I’m always on the lookout for Workshop changes in the patch notes, and this update addresses a lot of the pain points I’ve previously experienced. Thanks for all the hard work! I’m excited to go make more stuff! :hammer_and_wrench:


Yea i have a gamemode with custom abilities and a lot of my abilities do not work anymore, like some beam textures don’t show up and some of them dont delete. And some of my expanding spheres don’t change colors. There’s a lot of bugs with this workshop update

Thank you!

finally !


Here are my codes that aren’t working as they should: 3AZN3 and YZD1Z

All of it is custom abilities and such like some effects don’t get deleted, some parts of the code just don’t work anymore. Some of my things do what they’re suppose to but don’t have any visual affect for it. There’s a lot of stuff and i’m not sure i can identify them all


Thanks for the codes! We may have questions for you, so please check back over the next day or so.


Ok will do, thank you for replying


PV4X3 has suddenly broke in this new PTR patch. As far as I can see, the rule Kill Players Who Are Not In Correct Spheres will not activate at all.

(There is a secondary bug where the redacted message appears round 1 but that’s cause of my fault).

So i’ve been testing a lot of stuff, it seems that variables are not saving entities to be later destroyed, because a lot of my visuals like spheres and orbs are not being destroyed when they are suppose to. and one of my abilities that apply an impulse near the closest enemy and it just doesn’t at all. So i don’t really know what you guys changed but what ever you changed it’s breaking like all my gamemodes

Devs, any thoughts on allowing PC users to upload or edit a workshop script as a text file?
I have trouble muddling through the workshop editor sometimes and I really would like the option to just write code instead. I was wondering if you have ever considered exposing the generated language behind the editor and maybe give us a more formal API doc?
This would also make collaborating with others on a workshop mode way easier!

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Thank u! Finaly i can remove 50/120 rules which i used like if/while/for!!! I love this patch. i got overload cause this count of useless rules

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Devs, any thoughts on allowing PC users to upload or edit a workshop script as a text file?
I have trouble muddling through the workshop editor sometimes and I really would like the option to just write code instead. I was wondering if you have ever considered exposing the generated language behind the editor and maybe give us a more formal API doc?
This would also make collaborating with others on a workshop mode way easier!

You can use the “copy” button then paste in a text editor, this is thankfully already done (and allows for the creation of high-level languages).

Speaking of it, I have some work to do for overpy… thanks magz :smiley:


Thank you so much for this huge update. now we can make better workshop games :slight_smile:

When I saw that Workshop island map, an Idea came to my mind to create chess in workshop but unfortunately we can’t add dummy bots more than the available slots. so if you consider removing this limitation in the future, we can make some complex game modes like chess. It would be soo fun.
But anyway thank you for this huge update. you have no Idea how much fun we had in workshop custom games :slight_smile: