13 nerfs aint "in a good spot"

That would be all well and good…but the problem is that they changed this one thing about her kit which now demands her kit needs 13 more changes to make it balanced.

That isnt “fine”, especially when no other hero has been getting this many consistent nerfs. Mass rez wasnt even a problem aside from the SR boost because people could and did counter it in higher ranks.

Theyd bait it out, wait for the rez, then nail them with stockpiled ultimates. This was only seen as something OP because the pros invented this “hide and rez” myth where every Mercy main popping 4-5 man rezzes every teamfight.

And instead of realizing they just suck at countering her, they whined and created this giant mess that, a year later, STILL isnt cleaned up.

also forgive typos, Im typing this,on my phone

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Zen - discord is best used with voice comms calling out your targets SO YOUR TEAM CAN ASSIST.
Lucio - speed boost is best used after YOU TELL YOUR TEAM YOU’RE GOING TO DO IT.
Ana - every time you grenade a decent enemy target YOU TELL YOUR TEAM
Moira - her ability is only self defence.
Brig - call out your stun target for maximum smash

You realize none of those put any restrictions on the hero that makes them an easy target right?

Name another hero that specifically stayed out of the team fight entirely to the very end of it just so they could pull off their ult. Just one.

Heaven forbid Mercy’s biggest weakness in a team based fps is she has to play with her team. That is absolutely game breaking.

Reaper, Junkrat, Mcree, Soldier, Hanzo, Pharah

That second part would be fine if she wasn’t the only hero held to that standard.

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No, pretty sure reaper, junkrat, mccree, soldier, hanzo, and phara all need to use their ult in the team fight. Would be kind of useless to try and solo 1v6 and not have anyone to back you up.

Or worse, use your ult when there’s no team to use it on.

Being a Swede I can confirm they probably look like this:

You’re welcome! :wink:


…and yet most players still wait to use it after for the sake of the multikill, I wonder why?

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Wait how did it force a gameplay style? You just needed an ult or two to finish an enemy team since if it was a 5 man they are all standing still for a breif moment, plus tempo rez was still better because your teammates could either: Use an ult of their own since they aren’t in the set up of standing still and glowing, protect mercy or whoever is still alive, or set up for their own.

Not even hide and rez forced a gameplay style since a team without a main healer tends to fall pretty quickly, and the tactic wasn’t usually good for a comeback since every time someone on the enemy team has an ulti every time

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Standing in spawn DOING NOTHING waiting for the screams of your team as they died horribly was boring. I’d always tempo res because of that.

The enemy team having their hard work reverted by Q was an issue.

Other supports NOT having mass res made mercy a must pick.

Nah, POTG wasnt an issue, hide and seek was a valid tactic.

Most players use their ult after your entire team is wiped and it’s just them in a 1v6? What elo are you playing in? Is this qp?

Reapers lurking up top.
McCrees from behind the whole team.
Junkrat hiding to use Tire.
Genji so he doesn’t die in the first 2 secs of blade after support ults have been wasted
Symmetra with teleporter 1.0

People with game-winning ults often would stay out of the fight


So? Different heroes are not the same. They’re different.

I really love when i can just copy and paste old posts.

I think being best at healing and best at mobility is Mercy’s role in the game. I think everything else in her kit should be balanced around those two factors and I would be willing to trade rez away to get Mercy balanced.


Undeniably she needs the best mobility and best self sustain. She doesn’t have damage so that’s her only means of survival. With that being said, there is absolutely no reason she should be healing more than Moira on average. Even more so now that she has chain heals and great utility.

Also being the only main healer that can heal through barriers and doesn’t need to look at her healing target… which is still odd to me.

Removed before the mob cried about mass rez.

Ignore the healer in a team fight? you get what you deserve.

Yet yet at the time Lucio Ana, and Zen all had better pickrates than her the higher you climb.

SR boost bug dictated you gain more SR and lose less the more you pulled off a huge rez. Usually done by people abusing the system just to climb. Removed after the fact.

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I agree. Well, perhaps next year they’ll finally admit that the rework didn’t go as planned. In the meantime they still haven’t got past the stage called ‘denial’. I’m betting if it hadn’t been for the megathread being mass flagged that we’d still have the policy of ‘move all threads mentioning Mercy into a megathread that is apparently primarily being used for damage control/censorship purposes’.

At least they achieved a record with Mercy though, the worst rework in Overwatch along with the longest time served with an official megavoid. I also find it interesting how there’s been practically no communication from the development team or particularly the leader lately, no developer update video that I’m aware of, not even patch notes on the forum announcing the summer games event.

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Many tend to hide before using those ults (except for soldier he should be using it in the middle of battle) because they are loud and obvious that most teams tend to avoid. Junkrats literally have to hide his body so he doesn’t insta die from the enemy.

Most mccree’s walk up to high ground hiding their body away so shielding could be less of an issue, reapers either hide behind a wall or teleport up high to suprise the enemy, phara (who definetly die a lot when the enemy see it coming) usually hides behind things like pilars and buildings to secure at least two kills. And Hanzo… do I even need to say?

What I mean is these heroes use their ults to END the team fight. Because they are teamwiping ults and valuable.

A Genji, Reaper, McCree, and Junkrat do not want to waste their ults to Sound Barrier/Transcendence because they know they can win the game with them.