I’m talking about that Mercy feedback thread.
But 0 response from the devs after the initial post.
And that’s not even counting the separate threads and comments in unrelated threads. With arguments and examples and ideas posted multiple times by multiple people.
The players have talked to you here and on reddit, twitter, basically any source that allows the playerbase to send comments to the overwatch team.
Why the everloving heck do you ignore your players so blatantly in this regard?
It’s getting disgusting for a developer team who claims to interact with their community and listen to them.
The mercy nerf did its thing, mercy meta removed. Yay.
But you left mercy players in the dirt. They’re still not satisfied, and the lack of comments and further tweaks from the developers about this controversial rework does not improve things.
So when are you going to respond to it? Going to do any attempt to alleviate any concerns or worries? You know, COMMUNICATE, like you claim you’re good at?