[100+] One tricking CAN BE poor teamwork

Well excuse me for preferring people who accurately restate what I believe


What if I flex to heroes I can’t play effectively knowing it hurts my team’s chances of winning? Is that still good teamwork?


So what if I don’t work for blizzard? There are a lot of ordinary players who have great insight into this game.

What’s even sadder is when you get the one trick on your team that actually does switch, and proceeds to intentionally throw on whatever character they’ve switched to. I once had a Mercy one trick on my team (I was fine with that, I’ll grab another support or even Winston) who decided to leave voice chat and go attack Torb on Hollywood, even after we gave him Mercy. You bet that guy got reported.


It’s basically throwing if you aren’t playing your best in comp, but I wouldn’t necessarily report you.

it is not stupid. its something that would happen if you could report users for their picks. its the exact reason why you can’t report people for the heroes they choose to play. it would be way way to easy to abuse becasue there is no objective way to judge it.

Obviously you see this which is why you sidestepped the scenario by calling it stupid.

What if you get joined with a 5 stack and they ask you to switch to a hero that will obviously be super countered by the other team> can they report you for poor teamwork for not switching? I can go on and on and on.


How the game is intended to work is not relevant to how it works in practice. I wouldn’t listen to Blizzard about team composition.

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A player may have insight but going about it the wrong way doesn’t help anyone.

It’s actually not though, not according to Blizzard and they have been very very clear on that point. You can call it poor teamwork in your head if you want, but it’s not the kind that is reportable.


It’s not bannable and it’s not a bad thing.


I cant play anything else is not BS. I one trick Sym and whenever I switch to Mercy I get killed instantly. If I play Moira, I play her like a weak version of Sym because I never know when to heal. And no, I wont learn them to make toxic people happy.
I know how to deal with my counters when I play Symmetra, thats part of being a onetrick. And if my team loses a fight, the enemy team is stronger and it wont help when I switch to Mercy. My team would be happy but Im useless on her and I could do more on sym. So if I’d switch to Mercy its basicly throwing.
The problem are flex players who think they know everything. They are toxic, destroy the team spirit and that is poor teamwork AND reportable!


This is why I don’t like the “Poor teamwork” reason, so much can fall under it even if it’s not against the rules, not joining voice and/or refusing to communicate can easily fall under it and so on.

Just remove that one.-


Most people would prefer I fill into a meta comp regardless of my ability to play the hero I’m filling as. I don’t think it’s wrong to do what my teammates want me to even if it makes us less likely to win.

I wouldn’t call it “good teamwork” though.

This is a hilarious thread. There are no official rules on which hero is meta and which map is suitable for which heroes.Blizzard are very clear you can play any hero at any map at any time freely. Playing badly is not reportable either.


Hypotheticals are nothing real, just imagined. They don’t replace evidence.

But if you read what I actually wrote, I said that we need to give people a chance to play what they want UNTIL it doesn’t work. If what youre doing is hurting the team and you decide not to change to something better when you have to ability to that’s poor teamwork

One could easily argue, “playing the hero you do the best with” is also good teamwork. Also in reference to your original example:

when is it “playing bad” and when is it “poor teamwork”?

Ultimately, “poor teamwork” happens as a group, individual punishments based on it are silly and shouldn’t happen.

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What happens when you get countered? Don’t tell me you actually just stay on her.

Also, how is mercy too difficult for you to play? Lmao?

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I mean keep dodging it. But i gave the hypotheticals to prove a point. The way you want “poor teamwork” to be policed is impossible. It would be extremely easy to abuse as it would be entirely subjective.

Another question for you
How should a Blizzard CS representative decide a player not changing heroes was poor teamwork?

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True to some extent. However, it takes 6 people to win and only 1 person to throw

I play DPS and my Mercy is hot garbage too. My career winrate with her is in the 30s iirc. I believe them.