[100+] One tricking CAN BE poor teamwork

I understand where you’re coming from OP.

Unfortunately the OW team have said “One-tricking is NOT reportable.”


It’s up to Blizzard to make any hero viable on any map if they’re going to allow such selfish behavior in comp.

Aww, that’s cute, you don’t know how analogies work. Adorable. Or are you just being contary for the sake of it?

You, the player, are the carpenter.

The hero you choose, is the tool. They each have different functions, very much like tools! Each good and bad at different tasks. Using a Reaper to fight a Pharah is like using a hammer to saw a board in half. It’s not meant for that, but if you hammer the board enough it might eventually crack in half. Are you picking up what I’m putting down or do I have to make it simpler? Heroes are good at specific things; you can force it to work, but don’t expect your team to be happy about it.

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Nope, you cant be banned for one tricking or playing a character for an specific situation that some other people might not consider optimal.

Even if 2-3 or even 5 members of the team asks one trick to switch it is still not considering poor teamwork, now if one or more members of said team ask the one trick or certain player to switch for more than 2+ occasions this is considered harassment and is reportable under abusive chat.

Now under poor teamwork, if someone says "oh we have one trick we lost this sucks (etc + negative comments or foul language AKA communicating in a negative manner ) this is also reportable for poor teamwork.

Ignoring objective point, focusing only on kills and forgetting about the payload or objective or going support that can heal but intentionally not healing and just trying to focus on damage = also reportable under poor teamwork

They don’t want to learn about the game. They want to play their favorite hero no matter what.

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Your name is freethinker, but I’m assuming this is just a name and not a character trait.

Sym and Mercy/Moira are completely different heroes with different playstyles. Some of them may be saying they flat out can’t play anything else effectively, which you have absolutely no right to tell them otherwise, because you have no idea what their Dva plays or mercy plays look like.

More often than not they can play other things but not for the rank they’re in. They can be a GM Sym but a silver Mercy. You don’t know what you’re talking about because you’re viewing it from your own perspective on the situation instead of the other persons.


I think this way: No matter if you are trying or not, if you don’t change your hero, you are not helping, and this is poor team work. Five people should not work around one because the one trick won’t change. They gave us the option to change heroes for a reason, why not use it? Nobody cares if you like that hero, everybody wanna win the game and you are ruining the experience for others just like they are “ruining” your game by reporting you. You don’t need to one-trick a meta hero, just change your character to something that will help a little more.


agreed 110% Just cause “your” good with junkrat does not mean “i” am. He’s one of my worst picks actually all i can do is spam grenades into objectives i dont know any “hidden” flank routes he can do. Just cause i play torb does not mean i can play junkrat.

I got three dps, torb, mercy, rein & Dva to work with. If rein and Dva are taken and you want to play triple tank dont look at me cause if you want horrible gameplay sure i’ll hop on zarya just dont be expecting more then one grav ult if that even…

Sometimes people want to switch and they cant cause their other characters are already taken, in which case they are probably better staying with what they are then trying to learn how to play a new hero well in the middle of a comp match

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I have never seen a one-trick demand that others work around them.

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Irrelevant. Inefficiency does not meet the standard of poor teamwork and is not reportable.

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That’s literally what they are doing be only playing one hero no matter what. If you don’t understand that concept, it’s likely because you’re the one trick.

“Hey can you switch you’re getting countered”


This has been “poor teamwork”


Yes, I one-trick Torb actually. And I don’t care who anyone else on my team picks, as long as they do their best.


I know, they don’t do that. The other five people have to adapt because they know he won’t change. And they lose because there is a symmetra with two other healers, one dps and two tanks.

I think one-trick should be bannable for poor team work. I know the devs want to give us the freedom to play what we like, but part of that freedom is ruining the game experience for a lot of people.

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This isn’t the OWL. Attack Symmetra can work for 99% of players. People need to stop caring about what the pros do.


Moral of the story, don’t play comp as long as things stay the way they are. Stay in QP, at least there you can find a new lobby after 5 minutes of play and forget about a crap experience. It’s what myself and quite a few others have been doing, if COMPETITIVE wont have some sense of structure to it then I really don’t need to waste my energy on it.

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Exactly. Being part of a community requires that you are willing to sacrifice some of yourself interest for betterment of everyone.

And if I were ever stuck in a game with you and you were being countered and not switching off I would report you for poor teamwork, and possibly griefing depending on how useless the other team is making you. That’s easy for me to do, because it’s very, very difficult to tell whether you’re useless because of your position as a one trick or because you’re legitimately throwing. It looks the same when you’re being hard countered and it really doesn’t matter why you refuse to switch. The effect is the same.

Torb is a situational pick at best, and is easily shut down by any decent team. Because you won’t switch, even when countered, the rest of the team has to cater to you in order to have any chance of winning.

why do you have two healers if you have symmetra? She has shields sounds like one of the healers dropped the ball there and should have played tanky.

Did you pay $60 for my game? Did you spend your money on my lootboxes? No?!? Well sounds like I can play the game how i like then. I prefer arcade and i have over a month of play time in OW but career stats only show “quickplay” & “competitive” so i usually just look like a putz to people when they view my career after i make a suggestion. “Dude you barely play” Yeah i barely play that how i got to lvl 350 and you dont even have a single star but you watch OWL so you clearly know more then me right?

If I’m good with torb on a map im gonna pick torb and if it dont work out trust me ill know cause ill be the dying, i got the front row seat buddy, dont need the peanut gallery telling me what characters im good or bad with. If i’m playing torb I have a plan, if im playing rein i have a plan, if you force me to play moira I hope you like babysitting cause if i get attacked i sure as hell wont be able to defend myself well with this character you chose for me.

EDIT: that second part sounds harsh, but most these people complaining are kids who didnt even buy their own game. If i want to take a crack at competitive to try and earn some gold guns thats my right to do so, and I’ll use whatever i’m good with to try and succeed because i know its competitve. I can be flexible but it’s the mindset of people like OP who are dragging this community down the gutter not the players playing unpopular heroes.

Torb doesn’t have a hard counter, and if he was so easy to shut down he wouldn’t have a good win rate. Just because you are useless as Torb doesn’t make him a situational pick for other people.


Aww, that’s cute, you don’t know how analogies work. Adorable.

Analogies are used to to liken a relationship in one thing to another, different thing.

For your “analogy” to make sense, you’d need to have five other “carpenters” all of whom would choose different tools, and the other team would have “pharah screws”, “Mercy Bolts” , “Junkrat Nails” etc.

What you have is not an analogy. What you have is a gross oversimplification and/or mischaracterization of how the game is played. Here’s an example.

That “hammer” you picked up won’t work on the Pharah (screw), but works great on the Junkrat (nail), and hey, maybe your team already has a “screwdriver”. Congrats. You win. Yaay.

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