1 min queue, 3 min queue, 11 Minute queue!

I’m a tank main and I’ve just been playing support lately. Way less frustrating.


Only going to get worse.

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I’m definitely going to host another server with the 6v6 custom modes on it. Everyone’s welcome to come by or run their own. Ran it for about 4 hours today and it was so much fun. Lots of players who never played OW1 were having a blast and it was cool to see that.

Unfortunately it really makes you miss 6v6.


I feel this would be really oppressive with the Tank HP pool. How is it? If it’s good, I might want to join and play some reliable Ball gameplay

I could main tank for you, I do a good Rein.

Or we could Hog’n’Ball torture

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There’s two custom modes I know of. The OW1 Emulator by Ecksdee. That one has Doomfist back in DPS, Brig has her stun, Cass has flashbang, etc…

It sounds like it’d be miserable but it’s actually fantastic.

Then there’s the 6v6 BalanceWatch by TiredDad. That one’s buggier at the moment but basically has the OW2 heroes as they are in 6v6. Also a lot of fun but role limits aren’t working at the moment. So once you stack tanks, it can get a bit rough.

I haven’t really noticed how they tweaked the health pools on them, but both modes were big fun.

If you want the info for both modes, I have it in this thread.


Sounds awesome and thanks for posting.
I been looking for 6v6 in my server region sometimes and only see it every so often, usually with people (and a title that’s just like “QP but 6v6”).

Also queue for me is now 2, 9, 16 lmao

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Chad duo. My main tank is Sigma which would make it a Sigma Chad duo, but I’m not gonna be a bum and do double shields in a custom game.

This def sounds like fun

Sounds like goats meta, I don’t think I’d like this one with the current bug, since I’m more into role queue now

Thanks, I’ll look into this soon cause it looks like fun

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BalanceWatch is supposed to have role limits, it’s just bugged is what I was told. But yeah, you could goats it out as it is right now.


I don’t play much tank because either the dps are horrible or support is literal bots.

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I asked my LW why he pulled me the other day and he just goes “u were critical” while im teamfighting on Tank with all my cooldowns, other support is alive and on me, and another teammate died on our side of the Point during it

I don’t hate Supports or anything, but literal If-Then robot behavior and I’m supposed to never get upset because their gameplay has the aesthetic theme of healing

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Thank you for playing a role that does not require you to be good at the game in order to have impact.


Could you elaborate on which one that is?

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Sorry, i meant by switching to support. Along with 80% of the player base.

I’m not proud of it. I can only deal with so many ignorant stacks. 4 stack and you’re on tank? You’re doomed and then those trolls will be the first ones whining about the tank diff.


At least on support I can watch them collapse in on themselves like a dying star.



Less efforts requiered to do your main role.
Less focus on you since people are scared of you now. (And small hitboxes helps a lot)

And you can easily duel or avoid any player.

Pretty casual friendly gameplay if you are sivk of being the target of every CC and burst damage in the game

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Pretty much. You can have a big impact or, if your team is toxic, you can guarantee they choke.

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A good combo would actually be Queenie and Ball, NGL, or Queenie and Sigma if you wanna be the shield. Wreck the backline while Queenie takes the aggro


I’m getting excited just thinking of the new tank combos… If only this was the same with the current game, but 5v5 just saps the soul out of me.

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Personally I don’t mind 5v5, but that’s mostly because I can find enjoyment in most games, and I’m not particularly experienced or good in FPS, so Overwatch usually bridges the gap for me from what I’d typically play (RPGs and other single player titles, like Pokemon, Assassin’s Creed, Control, DOOM, Horizon, etc.) into a kind of mashup. The characters each have a face and personality, abilities to go along with their weapons, and it’s not like Valorant (another game I kinda like, I don’t play much though since my one friend stopped) where there’s one gamemode with different maps. There’s some form of variety, which is why I’m slowly gravitating towards similar FPS like the aforementioned Valorant, Apex Legends, and Overwatch. Long tangent, sorry about it.