1 min queue, 3 min queue, 11 Minute queue!


Less efforts requiered to do your main role.
Less focus on you since people are scared of you now. (And small hitboxes helps a lot)

And you can easily duel or avoid any player.

Pretty casual friendly gameplay if you are sivk of being the target of every CC and burst damage in the game

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Pretty much. You can have a big impact or, if your team is toxic, you can guarantee they choke.

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A good combo would actually be Queenie and Ball, NGL, or Queenie and Sigma if you wanna be the shield. Wreck the backline while Queenie takes the aggro


I’m getting excited just thinking of the new tank combos… If only this was the same with the current game, but 5v5 just saps the soul out of me.

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Personally I don’t mind 5v5, but that’s mostly because I can find enjoyment in most games, and I’m not particularly experienced or good in FPS, so Overwatch usually bridges the gap for me from what I’d typically play (RPGs and other single player titles, like Pokemon, Assassin’s Creed, Control, DOOM, Horizon, etc.) into a kind of mashup. The characters each have a face and personality, abilities to go along with their weapons, and it’s not like Valorant (another game I kinda like, I don’t play much though since my one friend stopped) where there’s one gamemode with different maps. There’s some form of variety, which is why I’m slowly gravitating towards similar FPS like the aforementioned Valorant, Apex Legends, and Overwatch. Long tangent, sorry about it.


Do I get an invite?

I want to join!

:sob: :heart:

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I’m starting to move to the 6v6 supporter camp because the more I think about it, the less I like 5v5. Two of my favorite heroes (Ball n Reaper) just don’t work in 5v5 and the dev team is making no efforts to improve them (so far).

I also play overwatch because there’s no annoying penalties when it comes to shooting like in Valo where if you move even a little bit, your bullets go ten miles to the side or like in other games where there’s so much recoil. Unfortunately for me, the highest damage dealers are slowly being transferred to Support or the heroes like bastion that require 0 effort to land shots. Nort furn

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See thats the sad part, 5v5 can work, but the dev team is taking forever to fix heroes to work in it.

Just look at how long hog is taking, and there a multiple heroes that need to be looked at.

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Not only that, but their so bad at reworking/decision making that they’re reworking Sombra for a second time. They didn’t even fix the part players are most upset about with Sombra either time.

It’s been like this since OW1 where they constantly “fix” the same 3-4 characters and leave the rest of the roster to suffer.

If it keeps going like this (as it’s their “Design philosophy”), we’ll never get a suitable game to truly enjoy.

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I’m more annoyed by the fact that game has long queues and still manages to make horrendously unbalanced teams in the end. Like, HOW?!

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The thing is, some of the hero reworks would have been fantastic in 6v6. Orisa especially, we never got to see her rework in 6v6 because they forced 5v5 on us at the same time.

Sounds like BalanceWatch is the way to go.

Support more than DPS for like… the first time in OW history (across the board)

Tanks need help, and that is what the next 2 seasons is being focused on.

What doesn’t need help: DPS, since with the new support hero being nerfed, along with Discord, they will take top position again anyway.

It’s funny you mention that because Orisa not having her OW2 kit is the one thing I don’t like about OW1 Emulator. Although people were having fun with pull/hook combos and that sort of thing.

BalanceWatch I think is bugged at the moment. It’s supposed to have role limits, but it doesn’t work, so it’s like pre-role queue currently. If that’s your cup of tea, it’s definitely a good one.

There’s also the OW1++ Emulator code. I don’t know if Orisa is using her OW2 kit in that, but I know Doom is in tank still but Mei, Cass, Bastion have their OW1 kits. So it’s kind of a best of both worlds.

They’re all worth trying though definitely. And next time I host a server I’ll post it in the forum here so anyone that wants to come check it out can do so.

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I’m hosting 6v6 Quick Play game rn btw y’all, Overwatch 1++ preset or I could change
edit: we moved to OW2 vanilla-like heroes , 2W5CE, ending soon

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Aw I missed it! Awesome though that you got to host your own. Did you have any crashing? On my PC I had to basically just be an admin since if I tried to play it’d crash the server. :laughing:

Hope you had a good time. :smiley:

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going to be a lot less tank players after sombras rework hits, it sounds like a tank nightmare, yet they nerf zen?

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No crashes that session!
We didn’t get full 6v6 running that session (dead af timeslot lol), but those two presets were fun c: I guess I just wish the OW1 presets weren’t so locked down cuz there’s a few dealbreakers (and bugs) in there for players-- like you mentioned OW2 Orisa is a winner.
Thanks to the people who joined, and are interested.

To be fair, we spent how many years with Support and Tank having less then 1 minute queues while DPS was regularly 8 minutes or higher at all times of the day? This was of course in lower elos, I’m well aware of the fact that there were up to 12 minutes or more on waiting times for Masters and higher, but that’s kind of just what happens when your population is only about 12% of the overall player base.

As a Support player though, it is getting a bit frustrating to have to wait longer than usual for a Support game. I wouldn’t mind if it found balanced matches, but we all know how well Blizzard does ‘balanced’ teams these days. You’re more likely to win the Powerball $1 billion cashout prize than get a fair match. :rofl:

To be fair, as much as any tank hates when Sombra just sits there and hacks you all game; they hate discord orb even more.

If anything, this neo-Sombra seems easier to deal with as tank. That is probably WHY they did it, in fact.

I had trouble getting people to join at first, but that was because I was running bots thinking the match would show that it had available slots, but apparently it was showing as full. :laughing: Once we worked that out it had a pretty steady flow of people coming and going, but that was in the evening PST.

I put all the info for Ecksdee and TiredDad’s discords in this thread 6v6 Custom Modes in OW2 if you need it.

Hopefully other people will start to run these modes as well. It’s so fun.