1.32 Known Issues List

Older Known Issues



  • Heroes hit by Sleep Dart may have animation issues when hit by other abilities
  • Shooting an ally that’s at full health counts as a miss


  • Impact VFX from Viper Shot play at an angle when hitting surfaces
  • If Genji deflects Dynamite, it’s fuse does not have an obvious sparkly flare as it burns
  • B.O.B. can move a cryo-frozen Mei
  • If Mei uses cryo-freeze on top of B.O.B. she can block his line of sight
  • B.O.B. does not collide with or damage Junkrat’s RIP-Tire during his charge
  • There is no callout for B.O.B receiving a Nano Boost from Ana


  • If two Brigittes Shield Bash each other at the same time the results are inconsistent


  • Rocket Punch does not knock back D.va’s mech as it is self-destructing
  • Doomfist’s Rocket Punch doesn’t damage Junkrat’s Concussion Mine.


  • Sonic Arrow model disappears when it destroys some breakables


  • Some of his bombs spin in his vest holster when viewing certain skins


  • The handle on top of Snowball’s head doesn’t react to physics properly in the Hero Gallery
  • Traps placed on top of your Cryo-freeze ice block it will fall through


  • Biotic Grasp can still briefly do damage after Moira is killed
  • Biotic Orb will travel directly through Mei’s Cryo-Freeze instead of bouncing off
  • Biotic Orb will continue attempting to heal D.Va’s mech when it reaches zero health and is animating being destroyed
  • Healing tendrils will attach directly to invisible heroes like stealthed Sombra and a recalling Tracer
  • Biotic Grasp’s leeching beam will briefly animate oddly after destroying an enemy barrier


  • If Reinhardt charges into a short ledge/wall, SFX for the collision may not play


  • The “DETECTED” notification can trigger even though she has not been detected by enemies


  • Symmetra can place her Teleporter off the edge of the map in Practice Range, causing her to die instantly when ported
  • If you’re too close to a certain wall near the Numbani payload, it will cause Symmetra’s Turrets to attach to it even though you are aiming across the way


  • If your Venom Mine is destroyed by a moving platform, the UI indicator for its location will linger on screen for a few extra seconds

Wrecking Ball

  • When viewing in 3rd person, if Wrecking Ball aims straight up into the air, the camera becomes obscured inside his body
  • The aimed positioning of your reticle will vary between your mech and ball forms



  • (Downtown) AI Bots are able to get through the spawn room blockers that keep enemy players out


  • Candelabras lose texture and lighting when hit
  • Sometimes Defender AI bots in an Eichenwalde Custom Game will attempt to go through an inaccessible door


  • There is a soda can which defies the laws of physics when hit


  • The stair case directly outside the first attackers spawn room has a small gap in its collision which can cause placed objects to fall through


  • D.Va’s Self Destruct can destroy the breakable floor through walls



  • Certain Ultra graphics video settings causes stuttering


  • Sometimes Defender AI bots in an Eichenwalde Custom Game will attempt to go through an inaccessible door
  • If Torbjorn bot is contesting a point, he will not stop to drop a new turret even if it is available for him to do so

Custom Game

  • Disabling Primary fire for D.Va turns off the mechs Fusion Cannons, and her Pistol
  • The ammo counter displayed on some hero weapons may not function correctly if the Ammunition Clip Size Scalar is modified


  • When viewing recorded highlights using the in game video player, footage has current video settings applied over video settings at time of recording (causing footage to appear twice as dark or bright)

Kill Cam Replays

  • If a player is killed by an enemy object (Junkrat Trap, Moira Orb, etc.) the Kill Cam view will still be from the enemy themselves, and not the object associated with the kill

Sound & V.O.

  • Dolby Atmos can sometimes cut off sounds coming from below the player
  • Explosions sometimes play in the rear speakers for surround sound systems

Team Deathmatch

  • Once one team makes it to 25 kills, the “x kills remaining” VO will play each time the losing team gets a kill to catch up