1-3-2 vs 2-2-2 Hypocrisy

With 2-2-2, people complain queue times are terrible and getting worse, but the validation is, “Now Blizzard can balance better with a fixed queue!”.

The very concept of 1-3-2 is introduced, nobody is talking about how queue times might be better AND Blizzard could balance towards it.

Nope, it’s just “muh entitled DPS players”.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:



222 has more structure to balance better, to be quite honest

i wasn’t for or against 132, but it clearly has a literal imbalance, even in the suggestion


Is it though? How do you know for a fact?

Maybe barrier tanks like Orisa/Sigma could feel powerful again if they couldn’t be stacked.

Maybe off tanks could have more unique effects on the game if they weren’t stacked with others. How do you honestly know?


A lot of tank players are entitled, they have 2 minute queues and have the most impact with little effort — then they have the nerve to complain about no picks and no healing while they feed the enemy ultimates.


I’d like to see a hybrid between 1-2-2 and 2-2-2.
But I think TripleDamage is too much firepower. And just leads to Sniper/CC spam.

✅ SoloBarrierTank 1-2-2 vs 2-2-2

I mean, that could be the case currently – but that really wasn’t even my point.

2-2-2 launched in a horrible double barrier state that lasted forever. With how badly they had to nerf said offenders to ever break out of it, I don’t think ANYONE can argue otherwise at this point.

Yet, the overwhelming voice on the side of defending the system kept preaching at how 2-2-2 would allow Blizzard to balance better in the future.

Where are those people when we’re in an exact same situation (forced role queue) but in an attempt to balance out queue times? Why is it suddenly impossible to balance for a different combination of roles? :man_shrugging:

Honestly, I am skeptical that 1-3-2 would even make queue times better after the hype faded – I just love the hypocrisy of it at all.

“The queue times are so long, change it!”

“We need more tanks!”

Paired together “I want 2 tanks, but I don’t want ME to be one of those two tanks. I want someone ELSE to tank for me!”


Not really. ANY role lock would be easy to balance. If anything, balancing without tank synergy in mind would be easier (albeit, dps balance would be more challenging).

I say this as someone who was not really a fan of 321. It could easily work just as well as 222. Or 411. Or any triple stack. The problem is not the comp, the issue is how the game plays.


I mean… if you think about it, it’s really not hypocritical.

For 3-4 years since launch, the game has essentially been leaning more toward dps players since you can get into a game quick, pick whatever you want, and more of often than not, most players on the team tended to play dps.

With 2/2/2, the change finally catered to the under represented roles, the ones that people would have to fill into rather than play what they wanted, and gave an actual structure to teams that just wasn’t there for a large portion of solo ranked games.

Basically, I believe they see this as an attack on the mode they’ve wanted to be the norm for so long and it’s only been a few months.

That said, I don’t believe 1/3/2 is the answer to solving queue times AND making the game the same or better overall. Great mode, but not as the main competitive mode.


Explain to me how asking for a higher ratio of DPS players per match relitive to any other role (aka: favoritism, as opposed to fairness) is not entitlement?


That is the definition of hypocritical actually. 1-3-2 does the exact same thing (provides structure) but not in the way they deem “best”.

I mean, yeah… this is what most of the forum looks like.

But also something in mind is that the forum is not only a burning heap of trash but also a cauldron. So many different views on many different things and stuff.

HOWEVER, those views are also opinions, and like most memes on the Internet said:


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Everyone’s hypocritical sometimes. I bet people who were vehemently against 2/2/2 now support 1/3/2 and the roles have changed.

It’s how politics works.

1-3-2 is squarely aimed at DPS players tho? Lmao how is it not?

People are giving plenty of feedback on the experience in the sticky.

1-3-2 is complained about because it doesn’t go far enough with buffs to tanks/supports


I don’t think you can balance the game better in 1-3-2 because three of anything in this game would be incredibly difficult to both ensure individuals have impact and that what is being provided in triplicate isn’t overwhelming.

Three healers was overwhelming amount of heals. Three tanks is an overwhelming amount of CC ults and damage mitigation.

And three damage dealers is an enormous amount of lethality.

And I don’t see how you could ever balance it to not and ensure individual satisifaction.

And then there are the tanks. How do you balance it so tanks won’t go down easy against three people but also doesn’t feel oppressive to play against?

How do ensure that balance is achieved when one side will always outnumber another?

BTW currently there are 120 possible combinations of DPS. Adding a dps increases that to 560.

Lowering the tank combinations from 1 to 2 decreases the combinations from 28 to each having their own balance, so 8 distinct heroes.

I am not convinced that is less complex or easier to balance.


Well considering the following:

All heros in the game are designed to play off each others weaknesses.

Zarya relies on other tanks for charge. Dps ain’t gonna provide that because let’s be honest, dps players rarely play with the team in an organized fashion.

Winston is too weak to solo tank

Hammon is literally an rolling ult battery

Hog is a slow mobile ult battery

Dva is meant to dive high ground heros and mitigate mid range and long range dps.

Rein cant effectively defend himself against 3 dps and all it takes is sombra and bastion

Orisa is the only tank that can effectively solo tank

Sigma could be viable if buffed to original form.

You would have to literally oversee and entire overhaul/rework of an entire role alongside healing as well. We dont need some dps main to try and explain to us how tanks work. 132 is so one sided and you have to be blind not to see it.

If they implement hero pools effectively then 222 could see immense improvements


Because they are conceding on making tanks stronger individually – which is a huge problem in the role (specifically barrier tanks being nerfed into the ground because of stacking) ?

Again, if 2-2-2 helps Blizzard balance better, how is 1-3-2 automatically only for DPS and not also a valid balance option? :thinking: :man_shrugging: :thinking:

How so? It is still 1-3-2 vs 1-3-2.

Hero pools wont make a difference. Its a counterintuitive proposition at best. I mean whats the point in creating more heros, increasing the hero roster, to turn around and limit it down anyway?

I mean there isnt much to really do to balanced tanks effectively. Blizzard will do whatever they wont in the end. I’m tired of being forced shield tank. Believe it or not I would rather see all shield tanks nerfed and off tanks buffed.