1.27 Hotfix Update



Why does Waveracer D.Va NOT say ā€œSurf thisā€ when she ults?


Did you guys fix the healer bug named mercy?

I think there is. It called a silenced.
But the mod wonā€™t do it because he hasnā€™t broke any rules (yet).

What about the bug that prevents people from playing with their friends in Copa Lucio Ball? Even though the people reporting this issue including myself are extremely close in Lucio Ball season 1 rank.

hogā€™s hook is bugged btw breaks for no reason or misses for no reason

Is there a way to endorse people on the forums? lmao

because thatā€™s hilarious.

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Well the way you wrote it is sad but I can agree with you that adding comp to a mode and making new skins is not actuall content.

Fix voicechat on PS4?

You straight up broke it.

Maybe try a playtest before you patch??


Iā€™ve been waiting for Junkrat to get fixed for 4 months btw. Why you got to casually knock over a hero like that and break him?

Weā€™ve been waiting on them to fix mercy for a year now :joy::ok_hand:

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What Mercy gets is better than radio silence.

What about fixing the console voice chat and LFG button? Oh wait I forgot that you donā€™t care about console players, itā€™s just there for the revenue.

There are such a massive compendium of glitches and bugs, while I understand you canā€™t just snap your fingers, but a bit more clarity of your current status on what bugs are fixed at the time of writing, I mean, I can list the bugs Iā€™ve encountered until my fingers go beetroot red and fall off in a bloody mess, but I think Iā€™ve made my point

I have heard no one complain about those issuesā€¦

What about the plethora of bugs people have confirmed?