🏓 Why are people posting about Hong Kong? [Explanation]

Just because you don’t have a stake doesn’t mean the hatred is undue.



You know that most of the application of law in the internet is determining the extent to which the ToS of varying services can be upheld? Probably not since you’re just a bootlicker. If the contracts every one who has ever used an online service (100 percent of the developed world and a majority of humanity) were binding than corporations would be accountable for literally nothing. Able to sell any data they wanted, able to subtly manipulate people in ways that were profitable, without any responsibility for the security or privacy of their users. The way those contracts are written is to deny you human rights.

But thankfully we have actual law (still largely in corporations pockets but at least not as one sided as a contract written by a company) to determine when the terms of such an agreement are lawful. Just like an employer can write a contract where you work 100 hour weeks with no overtime, get paid less than minimum wage, and don’t need to be given legally required safety equipment. Signing that doesn’t make it legal. Signing that you will be a slave for a year for $50000 doesn’t make it legal.

Internet companies though they are in positions so strong they are unprecedented post slavery/feudalism. They know that regardless of what they write in their contracts people will still need to use an operating system, conduct search engines, send email if not for their own pleasure than just to function and work any decent job in this time. And the language they use to outline these contracts properly reflects their position of power. That’s why it’s the actual law that ends up deciding the thousands of cases per year that arise from these somewhat unlawful contracts.

But you can keep defending being forced (and it is forced. Just as forced as your need to use roads to travel - something that you can only opt out of by intense personal sacrifice) into a system where you continously give up all of your rights. Everyone will call you boot licker for it though. You might not think of yourself as one if it makes you happier. But the definition will fit to a tee in the average persons mind. So you might as well get used to the label. Keep fighting billion dollar corporate’s battles for them though - God knows they need the help. Maybe you can lobby for abolishing minimum wage while you’re at it. Or possibly voluntary slavery to pay off debts. Any trade agreed to by both parties must benefit both of them right? If you’re gonna triple down on pure lawless capitalism you might as well quadruple down too


we need to protect BILLION dollar COMPANIES so shut this thread DOWN!!!

basically this…

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Oh look, another smurf account to make forum messages. I remember somone was tracking these lol


These threads are dropping like flies, but the threads condemning people for speaking up are staying up. Interesting.


Probably because these are annoying and spammy and we can all agree that we wish HK would lose already

So why wouldn’t you remove both?


Because I don’t even have permission to flag them all let alone remove them.

When they start telling us what we can put in our games and media, you’ll change your tune.


Today I saw some guy wearing a vintage Warcraft 3 horde t-shirt and I ripped it off of him and tore it up. And he said “I understand mate” and walked home shirtless.


I set my own tune, such small things like this are ridiculous to change it over.

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So your first thought was to go make a post about it thus contributing to what you hate?


Of course. What, is this your first day on the internet?


RS or kidding?

also to OP, blizz is in full damage control mode, they’re literally barring people from deleting their accounts


Anything can be against the TOS if they decide it is against the TOS. Read it and see, it’s incredibly vague.

And Blizzard has shown to be against the protests publicly.

They’re not trying to avoid involvement, they’re choosing sides.


They’ve already told blizz to move a skeleton or two in WoW IIRC, and R6S had to fork development because people wouldn’t stand for censored visuals to fit the China market.

It’s already happening.


Lol if that actually happened and he gave you a beat down for it, I’d bet you’d call the cops for assault.

It’s usually surfing (hmm, time for a word substitute) exotic adult intimacy movies where things make more sense.


RS, and I just don’t see how boycotting OW is related when it was a streamer bringing political matters into hearthstone, when he knew he wasn’t allowed too.