🏓 Why are people posting about Hong Kong? [Explanation]

If this picked up again, Mods can see this, they obviously report back to devs as to which topics and such is going on. Community Reps do this alot on the most noteable ones.

We saw how the community initially reacted and Blizzard tried to walk back their decision. But this reality hasn’t changed for many over there. Yet I find it so strange that rather than going 'what are the updates on a issue we clearly cared about enough to talk about it". now its “omg why you necro?”. Like I don’t see that is a serious response to an ongoing issue.

Agreed. This whole year is goofy and now Murder Hornets. Yet if you dare bring up this subject. People get upset for some weird reason. Considering that they consider Corona over, over there. Reports have stated that the protests are more than likely going to pick up again. The government police are already prepping for it.

You wouldn’t because there isn’t an active one. Also this topic has moved beyond the scope of the Overwatch forum and is now better discussed elsewhere.


I disagree. For many including myself felt even the CEO’s poor excuse for an apology did nothing to remedy the situation. They didn’t even try to right the wrong that they did. “We reduced this ban” thats it. No alloted money. Not reinstatement. I find it abhorant because someone’s life is still affected. What happens when this happens again? Repeat of the cycle because someone in this game got punished unfairly.

They did decide not to take his prize money. Their bans have expired now. There is nothing left to do here on the Overwatch forums.

Think the problem is that necroing isn’t allowed on the forums.

This is regardless of what that thread may be.

Seems like such an odd rule. Oh well. Doesn’t kill to make another thread discussing this. No rules against that.

Technically creating duplicate threads is against the CoC, but go for it.

The rule about duplicate threads is if there is an active thread. If there isn’t, the rule about making a new thread instead of necro’ing trumps the duplicate thread rule.

However it would probably be removed for being off-topic, as all threads must have some kind of connection to Overwatch.


You’re probably right. There you go then :+1:

In regards to Overwatch, this topic has expired in terms of its relevancy to the game. The issue was handled harshly at first (to make an example for anyone else who wants to break their rules in regards to political messages) and was partially retracted. As far as Overwatch is concerned, the issue is sealed. Now its just a political one for the Chinese as a whole to decide, and not some random wannabe internet activist with no stake in it.


Perhaps you’re right. who knows. But given how things are. I can see this sort of thing happening again. Maybe not with blizzard or perhaps it will but we simply won’t hear about it this next time.

It won’t so long as people respect the very clear rules Blizzard has on ANY political messages on their platform. That this happened within the Chinese sphere of influence (Taiwan was where the tourny was held right?) only exacerbated the situation further. The US acts the same way in regards to Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, the list goes on basically lmao we react very harshly to those who interfere in places we think we control.

You’re not wrong there.

There’s nothing more to be gained from fighting on this front. Squeezing out any more is not an effective use of resources when there are plenty of other battles to be fought, doubly so when the CCP itself is so vulnerable right now.

pls don’t revive this
this drama is just too stupid to begin with

i hate seeing youtuber that Didn’t even play Blizzard games begin protest to blizzard because they only follow what is the hot topic ( Stupid Gaming journalist )

“This Is The End Of Hong Kong”: China Congress Announces Crackdown On Hong Kong With New “National Security” Law; Abandons GDP Target

ht tps://www.zerohedge.com/markets/end-hong-kong-china-announces-crackdown-hong-kong-national-security-law-abandons-gdp-target)


front page Bloomberg news: China Dares Trump to Hit Back With Hong Kong Power Grab

ht tps://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-22/cornered-china-dares-trump-to-hit-back-with-hong-kong-power-grab?srnd=premium&sref=IRovmk9E

Xi is tightening the screws down on the people of Hong Kong.


More Chi-Naz-i destroying Hong Kong

ht tps://twitter.com/jenniferatntd/status/1265118821993586692?s=20

Congratulations on your own Wikipedia entry Blizzard: ~https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blitzchung_controversy~

Can’t wait for the next one.

Ah yes, this is still going on.