[🎉] New Year Skin #1 Reveal

You all wanted a mercy skin. Here it is LOL.


I’m setting expectations really low this year….event is tomorrow and they’ve only done 1 reveal……I’m thinking less skins than normal this time around :sweat:


We are never getting it, as much as we want it… it’ll never happen. Much like baywatch Mercy.

Or the same amount. I hope they let the others be a surprise

Judging by this, doom might be next.

This skin is so disappointing, but LNY is always that one event that I could skip entirely and never regret not having gotten any of the stuff from it.

Well, at least Anniversary always has some good things.


Oh my god, thats disgusting, I am so disappointed right now, this is worse than Dragoon by a long shot

This is Mercys last OW1 SKIN, LMAO, HAHAHAHAHHA


Oh so THESE wings are blue but Sugarplum’s isn’t? Smh


I thought I was going insane, it is sugar plum 2.0 and it sucks just as bad.


It’s…nice. I guess. It doesn’t draw me in or make me excited in the design, but it’s nice.

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Hell yeah, I love the cozy mercy skins. The wings on this one are especially :ok_hand:


This is almost as bad as Moiras clown skin, this is just so ugly to look at, im sorry art team, but Mercy has a perfectly good spray of her wearing oriental attire holding a parasol, and it looks fantastic, why didnt you expand upon that idea?

This is worse than sugarplum


It’s absolutely a beautiful skin!! The colors, her staff, her dress… It’s amazing.

More details:


Not every skin will be liked by everyone. I really love it, I also love Dragoon and Moira’s ‘clown’ skin. Hopefully you’ll get one you like next time, until then she has a lot of beautiful skins :slight_smile:

I really want to know what her nails look like. I love nails :drooling_face:

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Most conservative mercy skin.

At least the mercy mains got what they wanted.

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Winged Victory, Witch, and Classic (+ the epics) are the only skins I truly love.

Am I going to have to wait 2 more years for another skin that might disappoint me again? You all realize this is Mercys last OW1 skin right?

pfft…i think its beautiful actually…art team is best part of OW team


She might get an OWL skin or a temporary event skin. Ashe has gotten two random event skins with the Mardi Gras and the Deadlock skin.

You never know!

Well, art is subjective. The art team is good, but not everybody is going to like everything. LNY just happens to be the art style that I can’t get behind.

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On the bright side we wont have those forum posts spamming that Mercy hasn’t gotten anything for many events :slight_smile: