🌨️ A fair Mei nerf: no damage on freeze

No coz mei is an issue to fight as a tank and she nullifies almost everyone else


One was talking about in terms of meta dps. She has MORE WINRATE THAN HIM and she is 9th we both have the same stats pls stop lying or if you are using a different tab I AM USING THIS WEEK AS IT IS THE MOST UPDATED STATS

It was added during goats era to stop goats. It was added in during season 10 at the middle to the end of it

Throw snowball out to heal people (like zen’s orb)

Make endothermic blaster slow mei down by 40% and not her enemies

Allies attacking frozen enemies heals for 50% of the damage done

Icicle cannot headshot

Freeze stuns people for 0.75s

Basically that, and maybe some damage nerfs to make her a good support

This week takes into account the same amount of people who played before. In matter of fact this month etc should be taken with a grain of salt as they are not accurate. People could’ve been public and all sudden switch to private THAT HINDERS THE STATISTICS
I take a major in statistics and we know and study THE MOST UPDATED DATA IS ALWAYS BEST TO USE so dont come at me with that argument coz it just plain out stupid.

That she is fifth most picked DPS? What are you going to nerf the 4 above her too?

for GM? and you think the sample size isn’t rubbish?

Do you notice how D’va had gone from one of the worse heroes in the game, to being one of the best in the weekly GM stats with no changes to her?

Are we going to nerf her too?

It REALLY wasn’t. It was added a month before Goats happened.

Go look up the patch notes, and when goats started.


What a coincidence, so do I. And if you’re claiming unsubstantiated and lacking datasets are are more valuable over historic data then you’re sorely mistaken. Mei hasn’t recieved any changes this patch, and the meta hasn’t shifted. There are no outside variables affecting the data since the 10th December at least, making this last month the go-to for data.

Less data is less accuracy, blindly following the newest, regardless of relevence and context is foolish, to say the least.

Nope, not at all. It should be weighed higher, but not held as a golden standard for no real reason. Historic data matters. Not only that, since there’s been no character changes in the last month, choosing only this week is doing nothing but disregarding still-relevent data for the sake of inaccuracy.


When your relationship with the tanks is “Play this one and don’t touch the others”, that is OP, I don’t care what stats you have. It’s hurting the game, it’s hurting queue times, it’s hurting the pro level.

But have it your way. OWL Season 3 starts next month on the 8th. Let’s wait, see the Pros going on Watchpoint and start talking about how Mei is cheesy free win, just like happened with Sombra:

After something like that starts, there’s no coming back, you know what happens next: She’ll be dumbstered and never brought back up, she will not be allowed to be good.

I’d rather avoid that if at all possible, despite my harsh comments on her dreadful state, I don’t enjoy heroes being dumpstered, not when it can be avoided, and I also enjoy watching varied pro play instead of just Mei Orisa mirrors, so nerf now, before OWL starts, and be smart and hard with it, not placebo changes, otherwise it’s a lose-lose for everyone.

I know that and YOU know I know that.

I’m NOT making the argument she doesn’t need changes.

Yeah, when she only had a 43% win rate at the time.

I STILL am full of hate towards that.


You ARE right as we are out of time, but, it SHOULDN’T be like this.

Smarter gun and wall changes should have happened before now, rather than this rubbish.

It is wrong, and shouldn’t be like this.

We are not out of time. One PTR is all we need and there’s enough weeks between now and OWL 2020.

A bit rushed, sure, but enough time for nerfs.

Not to get it right we don’t.

But not enough time to rebalance the rest of her kit.

37.5% of the tank roster just went through a revamp in a single PTR.

One PTR and two weeks is all we need. Mei doesn’t need anything but nerfs.

You know I don’t believe that :wink:

That was unexpected I must admit.

I do, I just disagree. She is OP is needs toning down, not a redistribution of power. Primary is OP, Wall is OP, I could write an essay…

But if a rebalance is in order, I’ll take the Brigitte treatment. Gut and delete her core strengths, give generic primary function in compensation, just like Brig lost her self-sustain and burst heal, but got a crapton of HP/s in its place.

It would fix the problematic traits of Mei, but she will lose her identity. Folk will even tell you she’s “not low skill brain dead anymore” even though she might be simpler and easier than before because Blizz reworks by committee and doesn’t care at all how it plays.

And necessary, so are the Mei nerfs. She’s not special, she doesn’t need more time than normal to be adjusted.

But the clock is ticking. I really don’t want wait until next OWL to find out what Blizz is going for, that’s gonna end up ugly for everyone.

Won’t change a thing. OWL will still be double shield + wall.

the problem with adding more CC cleanse like zarya bubble are heroes like doom and hamster. if its reactive rather than proactive it could be fine tho.

my solution to mei is remove her left click and give the slow and stun mechanic to dmg thresholds on her right click which becomes her primary.

In THAT we agree totally.

So considering this would make it so she can’t even setup her own kills

At what point did I suggest taking away her secondary fire? Because that’s actually what would remove her ability to secure kills. No damage on her freeze would still let her do the freeze + headshot combo.

Or just keep trying to have actual discussions about it instead of thinking of the least cruddy way to ruin the character.

Did that stop the Mercy rework? Or the Sym rework? Or literally any of the negative changes that have been brought into the game? Realistically, Mei has drawn the ire of the forums, which means she will be nerfed. The only thing you can hope for is a fair nerf rather than a sledgehammer.

You know that would only do 150 damage right?

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Ah sorry, for some reason I thought her headshot damage was 200, my bad :s

That said, would that be so bad? It still sets up for a kill for her team, which is how Mei is played anyway. She not usually off flanking, but protecting her team like a third tank.

Either way give her stun a cooldown or take away her stun completely and make her only able to take away your movement completely when you are getting “frozen”.

Nobody likes to be Frozen and not being able to actually play the game every 1,5 sec by such an easy to use Primary Fire with 200 ammo…

such an easy to use Primary Fire with 200 ammo…

I mean, there are lots of small nerfs you could make to the primary e.g.

  • flat -30% move speed until freeze, no increasing slow
  • reduced range e.g. change it from a 10 m line to a 6x8 cone like Winston, a 6x3 cone like Brig, or just a 5-7 m line like what Sym used to have
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