[❄️] Winter Skin #3 Reveal

You are a social media person….:sweat_smile:

If im not mistaken, Andy job is more centered towards communication, like the post he makes here about experimentals and such while the social media person is the one in charge of stuff like twitter, you know, all those puns.

Don’t speak to us for the remainder of the day.
(Dad jokes are my job sir how dare you!)

Whoa. Skins??? In Overwatch? This is unprecedented. I’m calling off work for a week in order to shove these in the closet with all the other ones. If they fire me, so be it. This is just that important.

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Nah genji had no winter skin. He needs it more then her.

I usually agree with your takes but the snark towards literally the only good thing we have in Overwatch (that still isn’t content) is not it.

Just let the art team make their awesome skins.


his head crown thing looks like cat ears. catboy genji


Dunno why but Genji just looks good in blue. I don’t play him much but I do want this skin.

I’d like to speak to your manager. -flicks Karen hairdo-

If you filter skins by holidays and legendary only, you’ll see that for OGs, actually DVa, Ana and Rein are all last with just 5 skins, though Dva gets one this time around.

Have to say though that a number of heroes are at 6 and yea Genji, Mei and Lucio have too many already.

Icy what you did there.


“Your ice…deceive you~”

And are happy to have mercy totally abandoned? why is this what i’m seeing lately.

You’re seeing what you want to see.


I know you are personally frustrated at not having seen a mercy skin yet, but I don’t see how being passive aggressive towards our community manager will help things.


Genji is now an Ice Kitty Princess!

it will not have, we can forget … not now, not in the next events … never … Mercy it is totally abandoned by the devs.

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All I know is, Gengi was so ‘‘chill’’ that his body is now ‘‘frozen solid’’

It’s a wonderful move of giving Christmas Legendary skins to heroes who don’t own one.

I’m looking forward for others, such as Pharah, Wrecking Ball & Baptiste.

Ashe got quite amount of skins, I may not want to see her getting another. Brigitte & Echo got skins from previous Halloween, so they aren’t likely to get another.

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NGL, that is the best Genji skin of all time