✅ Today's Tank Patch idea

Been trying to simplify some of my Tank ideas into something “less controversial”.

Overall goal was to make it so

  1. Dive is the counter to DoubleBarrier
  2. SingleBarrier Orisa is more viable
  3. SingleBarrier Sigma is more viable

Any suggestions on what I should add or remove?


i don’t think this is sufficient, discord is a powerful ability but he has zero mobility and a massive hitbox; his damage is very good but hard to hit + underwhelming healing

(ana is basically in every match, a direct counter to transcendence)


I like the Orisa and the D.Va changes, but I really dislike the other ideas. Let me explain why:

Winston: Winston already has a good enough survivability with his agility and his barrier. Giving him not only 100 more HP but replacing 200 of it with armour will make him unkillable and would give him too much spacial power and dominance.

Zenyatta: I might be alright with this but it would make Reinhardt Vs. Reinhardt match-ups pretty one-sided. I think maybe increasing how long the orbs last after losing LOS from 3 seconds to 4/5 seconds.

Armour: That wouldn’t be such a big problem if it wasn’t for Brigitte (would you believe it?). That would be good for tanks (maybe 10/15% instead of 20%) but Brigitte can essentially give herself and other heroes armour, giving Tracers and Genjis 20% damage reduction is too over-powered.

Sigma: The Kinetic Grasp change makes the whole “damage to shields” feature useless, and the barrier buff would only re-enforce multiple barriers which is already a horrible way to play the game, and it has be shown once Role Queue came out.

Mei: I feel like changing Mei to a tank is a bad idea. Her core design has a “defensive damage dealer” aspect to her and putting a hero like that into the tank role will make things just more complicated and difficult to balance. Big nope to this.

Hope you understood clearly my critique on why I think these changes are a bit too extreme and difficult to design around.

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Zen needs a passive and Hitbox trimming.
The discord thing is ok, but I doubt that would help him as much as the other two.

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I do not know about the Discord change as that removes remotely majority of the counterplay to an already powerful ability… Not only that, but it holds no cooldown- therefore that buff would be broken.

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Most single barrier comps already had wide enough windows for Zen to slip in a Discord.
I.e. Rein going for a firestrike.
Sigma being sigma
Orisa getting her barrier melted.

And DoubleBarrier really shouldn’t be able to cover up it’s weaknesses so easily.

Especially since if Dive is supposed to be a DoubleBarrier counter. It doesn’t make sense that you’d need to cut through 2-3 barriers before even beginning to Dive.

The game has moved too far forward in favoring poke comps. Time to bring back the threat of getting Dived/Rushed.

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I like it, but I would change then Zen to just buffing his alternate fire to be good again, and Sigma to gain shields during grasp

Kinda useless to have a discord used against DoubleBarrier if you need to wait 5 minutes before applying a Discord.

And the whole point is to make BarrierTanks more diveable, so dunno why it’d make sense to also make them less diveable.

I much prefer this version to the one where you lopped HP off Rein, Orisa and Sigma.

If Sigma’s DM is only going to last one second, maybe make it grant a guaranteed 100 dark blue HP upon finishing. Honestly, I’d like that with current Sigma, but now he’s causing a stir in GM I guess there’s no chance of that.

Yeah, realized the armor change accomplishes almost the same thing as LessHP+HeadshotResistence while being less obnoxious.

Why though, whole point is that DoubleBarrier is supposed to be disadvantaged when getting a lot of close range firepower shoved at them.

Tempted to make it so he gets zero HP, and it recharges his barrier instead.

He will be. KG will still have a long cooldown, be interruptable and be of unreliable value.

Even at 20%, Fortify would continue to grant guaranteed CC immunity and some damage reduction.

Well to be honest, this is a big enough of a shakeup to the Tank meta, that it will probably need a fine tuning patch afterwards.

I’d rather they error on the side of it making barriertanks “too diveable” instead of needing to stack on additional nerfs.

Since big nerfs followed by buffs, feels better.

Also, to use an analogy, for slight-overnerfing.
Testing if a shoe is slightly too big, or slightly too small.
The “shoe is too small” (I.e. slight-overnerfing) sends a much clearer testing signal.

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Fair enough.

I find sigma very viable to solo shield tank at the moment.

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Maybe on Attack, or particularly in GM.

But it’s Rein or nothing on Defense. Which is kinda dumb.

I’ve had A VERY successful round with me as Sig and a ball on defence junkertown last night.

It was against rein zarya/ rein orisa/ rein ball.
Swaps obviously happened.

I was able to block 2 shatters out of 3 and kites their rein every time he tried to push me.

I don’t EVER just leave shield out with Sig.
I generally just flash it until I get my bonus shields and I regen during that time.

And was this in Comp?

Yeah it was

They made it to just infront of second point and didn’t cap

Also the 2/3 shatters was just on defense

On attack we beat their distance so we didn’t need to play the whole map

Sounds like a lot of stress on your healers and DPS to be sniper food, and bionade targets most the game.

Didn’t seem like it to me, I mean I don’t recall more than 1 full group reset on defense and I was consistently healthy.

Their dps was a junk and I forget the other tbh. It was a widow for first point but they swapped to something that I don’t remember

Heals were swapped quite a few times so it was a large mix