[✅] Should 2CP be less frequent?

Until they change the methodology of the map design and a release a 2CP map thats more based around assault points on hybrid maps, I think they should consider it a failed gamemode and retire it, there would be more people who would prefer not to play it then play it

Like if 25% of the maps are 2CP then that means in comp Hanamura, Volskaya and Anubis are played more than any other map

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Hard agree! They are the best 2cp maps in the game, though 5th and 4th worst map in the game. I like Horizon Lunar too, it’s the 3rd best 2cp map. Hanamura and Paris makes me gag

Nah I’d say people do have reasonable hate for it. Taking a competitive leaver penalty is not something done on a whim, and it happened so often blizz had to remove them from the comp pool.

Fwiw I actually like HLC, and Paris is truly atrocious.

People already think this way, and do that.

I know the flow from watching waaay too many pro games, and I still hate it. Not only is it unrealistic to expect 6 randos to play it right, that doesn’t change even if they all individually know what to do. And even in a proper stack, the outcomes are so snowbally and binary that it’s straight up less fun than other modes. You can tell because hybrid maps are generally very well tolerated.



I was wondering why Horizon pops up so much.

For qp, 2 cp isn’t a great mode. A lot of the game is actually going through defending/attacking at least twice on one of them barring a stomp. In qp, two lost team fights is the end of the game :man_shrugging:t2:


The very simple way of fixing 2CP would be to make the point cap if you have more people on it.

Winning the fight should mean you get to cap the objective, not that you get to play wack a mole. It wouldn’t be a problem if 2CP maps weren’t a mess.

Then you only have to fix how snowbally the mode is. But i don’t really see a proper way to fix that.

It’s confirmed in overwatch 2 it’ll be 1/5
You take it or you leave it

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They’ve apparently tried a whole bunch of stuff behind the scenes:

I wonder if there really is any way to redeem it.

one thing that wasnt mentioned on there is how many of those maps were backfill…

because if you think 2cp is the type that people leave from the most (which i dont think is a stretch) then thats going to impact numbers i would imagine…

though i will say that 2cp makes up about a 1/4th of the maps available so if 1/4th was the end result than that seems pretty normal frankly

A) They account for 3/19th the competitive maps, so they should appear AT MOST 3/19 the time, notably less than 1/4.
B) They are by far the least popular map mode across all tiers, so they should appear even less often than the statistical 3/19.


the person that did the test though did it in QP…since HLC was showing up

im sure the numbers would be different if he did in comp

I can imagine why the game mode would be more frustrating in quickplay With only one round but I Only occasionally play quickplay. Mostly comp. And horizon and Paris aren’t in the rotation there so I never play them. So that may explain why I actually really enjoy 2cp

Actually they used mixed data, so it’s worthless. Hopefully they tagged it so they can filter out competitive. Someone else in the thread did competitive only, and you can see they weight 2CP, although not enough to make it come out 25%. This needs to stop. Sym2getptAamura should not be the most frequent map.

i mean youre not lying if thats the case…

I would literally pay $5 every time to skip 2CP in comp. At low ranks it’s literally just “which team groups up more” wins. You have no impact on the game.

THIS. Maps should be treated independently and show up in a proportion of that one map to the total number of maps. At this point though I have decided that the system does a 1 in 4 odds for mode select and then 1 in __ to decide the map from the selected mode.

Which I HATE. 3 maps should not appear as much or sometimes even more than 5-6 maps in another mode.

I remember for placements 2-3 seasons ago, I did 2 of my 3 sets of 5 placements, and started with all 3 2CP maps back to back to back. And then got each of them a 2nd time in the remaining 7 games…

Edit: Even if I liked 2CP most of all modes (which it’s my most hated), I still wouldn’t want to play it that frequently.

And the problem is compounded even worse in QP and MH (the modes I play most) and someone basically always leaves the 2CP lobbies. Oftentimes anywhere upwards of 4-7 people across the length of the game if it doesnt just snowball in like 2 min.

Like I just want to play some KOTH and straight Payload maps more and I feel that between Paris and Horizon leavers all the time and freaking Numbani, Volskaya, and Hanamura having way too much appearance time in my games, I rarely play those 2 modes anymore. Sometimes I’ll go 10-12 games in a session and get KOTH no joke ONCE.

I like Volskaya and Anubis, but everything else is a hard no. Yeah, I kind of want 2CP to be less… frequent.

I leave 2CP every time outside of arcade. There’s no penalty if you immediately leave.

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I like Hanamura, Anubis, and Volskya. But 2CP aka Assault maps I don’t like as much as Escort maps. I prefer Escort probably cause I use to play TF2 and primarily played payload maps.

I also like all the Hybrid maps and hate control.