[✅ ShieldHP & Armor = 50% UltCharge?

But it just occured to me they could fix a lot of the Ult charge feeding issues with Tanks by making it so that Armor and ShieldHealth feeds 50% or maybe even 0% Ultimate charge.

Would take some big chunks out of the Ultcharge that Tanks feed.

Would also have some fringe benefits for less popular heroes like Bastion, Torbjorn, Symmetra.

Doesn’t really help Roadhog, which is the biggest issue with Ult charge feeding. But maybe they just replace the first 300hp of his healthbar with darkbluehp.

Heck, they could make it so that for all Tanks, all but the last 200hp of their hero is either ShieldHealth, Armor, or DarkBlueHP.

Armor already does this when it reduces damage mostly for heroes like hog, soldier, reaper, sombra.

Yeah, but I’m looking for ways to make it so that Tanks don’t feed ult charge from poke damage, but do give some Ult charge when killed.

Since Ult charge feeding is a big part of why we’re in this Barrier meta problem, and why DoubleOffTank is usually equivalent to hard throwing.

Double shield is already hated because although you can’t damage, you also can’t get ult charge… something that is overlooked.

Anything that globally reduces ult charge seems kinda iffy to me. And like you said Roadhog (and imo D.va) are the only two who have big issues with feeding.

Well, if they wanted to, they could also make it so some tanks just natively have a chunk of their healthbar as darkblueHP

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