✅ Queue Fix = More BarrierTank Damage

Two off tanks is just as bad. It is a legitimate problem and which is why many people advocated for at least Roadhog’s experimental changes to be mortified for live so he could offer some actual tanking ability.

We don’t need “fat dps” heroes which end up feeding for ult charge. It isn’t healthy for the game and doesn’t offer possible variety in compositions.

No it’s not.

Two barrier Tanks who are aggro, with good queue times.

Is fundamentally better than

Two offtanks who are aggro, with bad queue times.

This brings back double barrier metas, because not only you could pair them to get a bonus barrier to defend the team, they also do more damage now.

And that’s fine, since there wouldn’t be more raw barrier to cut through. But there would be more firepower.

The “problem” with doublebarrier, was that it took forever to get to the “actually hurting the enemy players” part of the game.

This version of double barrier doesn’t have that problem.

No it’s not. Tanks who don’t k ow how to tank feed the enemy and make it more Dior UCLA in the rest of the team.

“Some barrier with tanks that aggro” is just bad tanking period.

Maybe in low rank QP but it’s not a viable solution for the game as a whole.

Like I said

  1. Some barrier, especially 2x of some barrier, is fundamentally better than no barrier. (And not waiting 10-15 minutes between games).
  2. If they suck in ladder, then that’s what a ladder exists for. They will derank. Problem solved.

Raw buffs to damage to barrier tanks won’t make them more interesting. Tanks already average >10k damage per match, the simple output is not why people prefer damage heroes.

Plus you’re revamping barrier tanks, again. Tank players already had the game flipped on its head, let us play without drastic changes for some time, I’m tired of trying to fix everything by changing tank and supports.

This would not help.

I disagree. It is not better.

Having “some barrier” which tanks doing higher DPS leads to:

  • faster TTK
  • DPS heroes with high damage output gain more ult charge
  • Support healing failing to keep up with damage creep
  • support players feeling frustrated because they will get negative feedback from players
  • support players will drop out of support (either to choose other roles or leave the game)
  • the game becomes more about ult exchanges which is something the devs have tried to limit.
  • tanks become less about learning how to properly tank and make space for a team and more about scoring eliminations.

This isn’t CS:GO or your typical shooter. Making tanks into fat dps isn’t a viable solution for the game as a whole .

  1. Raw damage isn’t the same as getting kills.
  2. Changes to Tanks is inevitable if they want to solve DPS queue times.
  3. This is a lot more “mild” a change to Tanks than reducing tanks to 1 per team.

I also think Winston needs a way to reset the cd of Jump Pack, maybe after a Jump Pack kill.

I think devs are going to have some intense pressure to be less “not killing things focused” after Valorant goes into beta on March 23rd.

Neither of which are why players prefer damage heroes.

Doesn’t mean they have to happen everytime. Death is inevitable, doesn’t mean you get to neglect your health.

Which sucked horribly, so that’s the lowest of bars to clear.

You want better queues, this isn’t the way. Try CC reduction mechanic, more tank independency and interface improvements.

Making drastic changes to tanks, again, is not going to help and might even make it worse. We do not need more tank revamps.


People don’t play DPS to get kills.

The game going downhill and losing large chunks of it’s playerbase is something that requires no action.

And selfhealing tanks and interface changes would make DPS choose to go Tank?

I promise you increasing the damage of tanks is one of the biggest balance mistakes you could make. You’re missing the point of why people play dps. It’s not just the killing part it’s also how the heroes play and interact with other heroes. As an example even if Rein swing would insta one shot I would not enjoy it since it isn’t a mechanically demanding action.

Is landing Sigma direct hits mechanically demanding?

I actually really like where you’re going with this. Reinhardt was really fun on Experimental, and Sigma was way more fun when he had his one-shot. I think increasing Winston’s Jump Pack damage makes a lot of sense too.

I’d personally skip the Firestrike buff, because 90+120 is a practical one-shot, and Rein already has one of those.

I can see that coming back from spawn as Orisa is cumbersome, but it’s the same for Sigma. Where’s his Gallop?

and I think 15-75 makes more sense for Winston. Makes it more of a skillshot.

I don’t like the mindset of trying to turn people to tank. I’d rather people who actually want to defend the team were on that role. 1-3-2 should be tried again, but with Roadhog and Zarya (the tanks with minimal tanking abilities that are mostly about fragging) moved to the Damage role. At the same time, barrier tanks should be buffed like you’ve said.

The main catch for me is Wrecking Ball as a solo tank. I think everyone would hate playing with him since he has no barrier. What if his Adaptive Shield worked like Zarya’s bubbles did on Experimental, and applied to everyone within 8 meters when he used it? Everyone seemed to love that ability, but it felt strange on Zarya, because she had to stand behind her team to use it effectively, which is an odd position for the only tank. On Wrecking Ball, it’d allow for really aggressive dives, and I think everyone would have more fun playing with him. I think his Piledriver nerf should be reverted as well, at least partially.

You’re taking the “damage heroes” name a bit literally.

You think people play Genji and McCree because they get elims? No, it’s because Genji is a cool badass samurai and the other is Clint Eastwood, plus you don’t get CCed to death and you can pick DPS into most comps and be fine, not having to worry about a “off tank” that synergizes with you.

And your idea doesn’t help.

Didn’t say that. No, more independency doesn’t relate just to heals. It relates to tank synergy, mostly. Tanks are too tied to one another.

You mean by rewarding things that are not damage tasks we get people to perform these tasks?

Yes, overall improvements to UI would help the game a lot. This game rewards spam damage more than it does tanking, the solution isn’t to make everyone more damaging but reward non-damaging tasks.

Buffing tanks will not make dps players play them the only reason people don’t play them is because they’re isn’t enough of them buffing their damage is stupid as they’re already able to 1v1 nearly every dps anyway

Yes. Considering these heroes get dropped in a second they aren’t meta.

This month, Genji is currently the second most picked DPS overall.