Couldn’t you just play Mei though?
Because if anything, she’d be a strong counter to enemy Mei’s and Reapers.
Couldn’t you just play Mei though?
Because if anything, she’d be a strong counter to enemy Mei’s and Reapers.
Nope. Here’s how it would go.
I can’t tank in this meta because I refuse unconditionally to play Reinhardt, but if the other tank doesn’t I either have to or give up any chance of winning.
Ima have to agree with Mitrovarr on this one, in the current meta, Mei should stay DPS, due to other people’s preferance on what tank they play. Mei’s impact isn’t strong enough for her to be considered a tank.
Well, if the issue is “Orisa, Winston and Sigma kinda suck as SingleBarrier compared to Rein”.
Wonder what your thoughts are on this.
I think ultimately they will either have to make some sort of one barrier per team limitation, or completely rebalance the tank category. Double barrier only didn’t happen before because Reinhardt and Orisa have particularly bad anti-synergy. If there are ever two viable barrier tanks we’ll be right to double barrier again.
It’s not a good idea to change stats based on comp. And leave Brig alone in that jumbled mess of an idea
This is a decent idea. They could implement a system where you queue for an off tank or a main tank. The only struggle with this is determining what is a main tank or off tank. Is Sigma main or off?
Also, some tanks can be played as off tanks, like Sigma or Winston
It all depends on team comp, so the issue of shield character viability can’t simply be fixed by categorizing tanks.
Something needs to be done: either this
or my nerf suggestion. (The one just suggesting the half the walls, and make cyrofreeze breakable.)
Then again my support version does have that nerf suggestion in it as well… It doesn’t have to be.
I expect something next ptr… which I have said for the last two ptrs.
That’s all subjective though… I find Genji/Tracer annoying and unfun when I’m on Zen Deliberately making certain heroes unviable is a terrible way of balancing the game. This goes double for OWL as they play a game over 99% of the playerbase don’t experience…
Blerg, new heroes would always be welcomed to flesh out the Support/Tank roster…
Lol what about Mardi Gras? God I hope that’s the new hero XD
I wish they would make the pillars have some visual effect that they’ve taken damage so the team focus fires on the a single portion. It doesn’t help that so many people don’t bother to shoot the damn thing
Since you somehow missed it; 😫 Hero 32 likely delayed with Ashe Mardi Gras Mini Event (need more info)
I still think Sigma is the main issue in all this. He has the barrier of a main tank but damage mitigation and damage of an off tank and an incredibly scary ult.
Yeh 1:1:2:2 sounds queue time-tastic =/ Others have proposed having shield tanks in one queue and all the rest in the other but… well… queue-tastic…
I wonder if it’s possible to have some sort of “team shield resource”, or have them become weaker when multiple are out. Dunno how well you could balance it and keep both shield tanks feeling powerful/impactful though…
Which would be a terrible design flaw.
Nerfing/reworking a hero to uselessness and F-tier will do that yes, but at this point can it no longer be considered hero balancing anymore.
The goal should be to make all heroes viable and not cherry picking which heroes are allowed to meta and which not.
That’s just terrible.
I’m fine with reworking Mei into a tank, but it should be done correctly. These ideas of yours are not that.
Oh I don’t watch twitch (besides the OWL tokens thing and the occasional Dota tournament) and I don’t have Twitter and I don’t really care about the various online personalities.
I will say that making the case that the new hero was delayed due to events like this is iffy at best… I of course have nothing to base this off of, but I feel like they would finish the art aspects of the character relatively quickly compared to going through all the numbers that go into their abilities etc and these sorta of things are done in the background so they have something to do. Kinda like how at release the artists finish all the key stuff quick and spend the rest of the time till launch making skins/cosmetics (which then becomes day1/on disk “DLC” requiring more money =_=)
Nerfing/reworking a hero to uselessness and F-tier will do that yes, but at this point can it no longer be considered hero balancing anymore.
I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration to say “If a Hero isn’t S tier in GM/OWL, then they are F-tier”.
Especially when the hero is almost guaranteed a big pickrate in Diamond through Bronze. Given the “Almost a Third DPS” aspect of her equipment.
Furthermore, there may be some niche OWL/GM strats that thrive on having “Almost a Third DPS”.
But ultimately the issue is that balancing heroes across skill tiers is difficult.
I’m fine with reworking Mei into a tank, but it should be done correctly. These ideas of yours are not that.
I think starting her out as she is now, would be best. Then buff from there.
Which isn’t such a daunting task, considering they can throw out balance changes every week, if they want to.
However I don’t think Mei needs drastic changes to fit in the role. As-is she’s already more of a protective Tank than Roadhog is.
That’s all subjective though… I find Genji/Tracer annoying and unfun
Yeah, but they aren’t overpowered and annoying.
Aka Unfair and Unfun.
Mei is not survivable enough to take on a tank slot with no changes. She currently functions as well as she does because she has 2 tanks to hide behind as a dps. She doesn’t have to take and maintain space, she simply has to do a bit of area denial. Which is similar but not the same thing.
The wall is not more effective than a barrier. Your team can’t shoot or move through it, it is made up of small individual health bars, and it only lasts a short time with a relatively long cooldown.
Her iceblock is good at keeping her alive if the Mei receives help from her tanks, otherwise she has to rely totally on her wall or perish. The health regained is over time, so if she deems it wise to break out early then she sacrifices the health.
She is good at crowd control, but poor at pushing back. Mei doesn’t create space, she holds space that has been created as dps often do. Mei is easy to focus down if she doesn’t have backup from her tanks because she lacks damage, mobility, and longevity without sacrificing her ability to move or deal damage to threats.
Not to mention, her health pool. Being a tank doesn’t just mean taking a lot of damage, but that is still part of it. Mei can’t take a lot of damage, she relies entirely on her tanks to back her up so that she can take damage.
Mei is a damage dealing character focused on defending areas. She does not have the means to push through a choke point without her ultimate.
Mei doesn’t create space, she holds space that has been created as dps often do
Yup. One more time for the people in the back.
She is good at area denial not space making. It is not the same thing. Otherwise Widow is a tank lol.
She could potentially be made into one with slight tweaks. But she is not a tank as is. She’s a hybrid, not good enough at it to be an actual tank.
Sigh I am done for today, can’t convince people of simple change.
People would still be the same, if we were talking about Roadhog as the dps.
Too many people can’t accept the world is not that complex.
That we could easily be at world peace… if just got along with everyone as equals.
People just keep thinking inside their boxes.
Roadhog would require changes to be a dps or he’d cause serious issues.
He’d have to sacrifice survivability and his gun would have to be buffed to better at securing kills when he isn’t hooking targets.
Like Mei, you can move him, but not without changes.