- First off, I think you’re dramatically overestimating how easy it is to get 3 players on opposite teams to agree to a ban.
- Masters/GM is already really restrictive on hero choices. So the bans actually create more hero choice than the 6-8 heroes of “the meta”.
- Do you even play in Masters or GM?
That is a seperate issue that would have to be worked out with a feature and is irrelevant to the fact that somebody could decide whether or not I can play my main.
Yes just like how banning popular hero choices did. Oh wait, that was almost universally hated and this wont be any different. Letting somebody else decide what you can or cannot play is unacceptable.
I’m a masters support main yes, it would affect me.
Make it so you can specify which game modes(2cp, hybrid) you queue for in quickplay.
I still think a guild/clan system would help a lot. There are a lot of times I hear people say they stay with x game because of friends. It’s quite sad that they won’t add one unless it connects to all Blizzard games which kinda makes no sense.
The people you meet on WoW will play WoW, the people you meet in OW play OW, there is no guarantee that the same people play the different games you play and it makes it a lot harder to produce a guild system that stretches across all titles.
Ring-0 anticheat. That is all. Everything else is fluff.
Funny how Valorant still has cheats.
Not very many, and they get caught quickly. The ones that don’t get caught quickly are so subtle that they’re barely useful. Several Valorant cheat developers have completely given up and shifted focus to other games. Plus, Riot makes an effort to “soul ban” cheaters so that they can’t just get a new account and keep cheating. If Blizzard even did this ONE thing, it would go a long way to solving a lot of this game’s problems.
Overwatch has had a kernel-level cheat problem for a long time. It needs to be a lot harder to get away with cheating for more than a few matches. The “ban wave” philosophy is no longer valid in 2020, and cheaters brag about just hopping on another account when they do get banned. Blizzard is asleep at the wheel here. No new game can be successful in 2021 without aggressive anti-cheat.
i dont see how a few of those change player retention honestly
this id like a lot, ive been obsessed with paladins lately and ikeep pressing V to activate my voice menu lol
but if i had to suggest stuff…well honestly just making more characters viable honestly, if you enjoy the game you are going to play it regardless, and its hard to enjoy a game where the characters you like simply arent viable
maybe introducing new character archetypes that arent really that used in overwatch.
like some sort of more pure builder (think less current torb and more TF2 Engi, i get its hard to pull off but it can work, blizz just doesnt care enough to try)
maybe a DoT hero…
a summoner
maybe some sort of crazy wall tank, like imagine roadhog but like even bigger and with a ton of non-ult-feeding type of HP or something idk, just more intresting chars that furfill different archetypes
i think thats honestly what would make the game more fun for me specifically
But why though?
Would need massive compensation buffs for heroes with stuns, especially heroes that are already bad like McCree.