[✅] Experimental Idea for Roadhog (Solution)

No, just wanting to put forth a change request. Grey Falcon and me had the same idea for hog.

(sorry for stealing your format GreyFalcon, but your techniques are effective)

His damage wasn’t an issue.
Maybe if he was less an ult battery and provide some utility (like gass cloud) he would be in better place.

Being a fat pig doesn't mean utility

Go for it, mods get mad when I use it, so I stopped.


See, roadhog needs the damage to one shot combo squishies, however the reason they nerfed Giga Hog (7 damage per pellet) was so he would be less effective against tanks.

This proposed change makes Roadhog do what he’s best at which is punishing players and dealing lethal damage, while at the same time not being too powerful against tanks with armor.

Punishing players for what, not having a barrier? lol

The thread you’ve linked says armoured targets take more damage can someone explain this to me?

Have they changed how armour works? Not sure where the x2-5 comes from. Isn’t is just 50% reduction for values below 10?

Statistically wouldn’t this be a buff? As it’d increase his Primary Fire damage from 165 to 175?

In other words you got called out for break CoC by using clickbait methods.


I view it as an updated interpretion of the rules, that after years, was never made clear with a change in the language of the rules.

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Don’t post in all capital letters, use a misleading title, excessive punctuation, and/or non-standard symbols, etc.

While everyone wants their posts read, we ask you to refrain from using these types of tactics in order to bring more people to your thread. Let your post stand on its own merit. Threads violating this guideline are subject to deletion.

In other words non standard symbols include emoji’s.

As for the thread at hand. Hog needs this buff and every other tank has some method for evading, tanking or mitigating his damage anyway. So there’s no chance he’ll be a tank busting tank.

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That language wasn’t there 2 weeks ago

hmmmm i have a mixed feeling about this but what about Zarya ? you will still kill her with oneshot

It was there since 2018 and was even on the old forums. The only edited part from 2 weeks ago was the please note section.

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Simplified Tank-Only Hero Bans - #39 by GreyFalcon-11737

Sorry guys my post wasn’t meant to be clickbait, just wanted to gain some attention for this awesome idea.

Well it was apart of the old forums rule set.

Plus it’s basic common decency.

That’s the whole point of clickbait. To get attention.

So long as you or anyone else doesn’t do it again that’s fine.

But your thread should be able to stand on it’s own merits and not need to resort to such methods.

Otherwise your idea lacks true value and you needed to resort to such tactic.

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But it’s just a checkmark I don’t why its such a problem. I didn’t lie about anything, it truly is what the title suggests.

Plus I didn’t know that you couldn’t put in emojis, my bad.

That’s not true, if you don’t read the idea how can you just judge that off the title? Doesn’t add up.

Incidentally, you can edit your own titles.

You know Blizzard would do this, and then post


Scrap Gun

  • Number of shotgun pellets increased to 25, down from 35.

And keep all the other nerfs.

It won’t be a problem, zarya also has a lot of defensive capabilities to counter the hook. There’s no way you would be able to one shot her unless you land ALL 35 pellets in the head and the melee and the hook damage without any healing.

It will be a net damage buff, however this isn’t the main issue at hand. The issue with Giga Hog was that he did a lot of damage to tanks and this led to the damage nerf. This proposed change eliminates that problem.

It’s a calculation with headshots.