✅ Barrier Tanks, DPS players would use

If roadhog is not appealing enough for dps players then no tank will ever be good enough.

I don’t like this solution. If the answer to DPS queue times is to essentially turn the main tanks into heavy DPS then that’s not a solution I’m interested in.

Any particular reason for that?

The way I see it.

DPS = Shoots stuff
MainHeal = Shoots stuff
OffHeal = Shoots stuff
OffTank = Shoots stuff

Like why does that make any sense?

You do get a lot of DPS players picking offtanks, but DoubleOffTank is basically a throw comp for most skill tiers.

So it kinda defeats the point.

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Tanks and supports do shoot stuff, but they have another job to do that’s important.

For tanks, living and not dying is the most important thing. Reducing a tanks survivability is making a tank less of a tank.

It would be like saying a Mercy rework involves doubling her pistol damage, but she can only heal 30 hps now. It wouldn’t be a good trade off.

Giving a tank a bigger shield in exchange for making them squishies is not an answer.

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Never said it was not. I’m saying that people need to stop insisting on one when they are too lazy to play one themselves. If you think it’s such a big advantage why are you not queuing as tank and picking one every match ?

I’d argue that similar to MainHeal and OffHeal, that it’s fine to differentiate MainTank and OffTank.

And that just like OffHealers have a strong advantage in DefensiveUlts, it’s fine for OffTanks to have a strong advantage in Peeling.

For instance, if MainHealers had Lucio/Zen tier DefensiveUlts, then you’d just constantly get DoubleMainHeal as the only viable meta comp.

Similarly, if you make it so that MainTanks have no need for OffTanks, then you end up with DoubleMainTank being the only viable meta comp.

And a necessary pre-requisite to buffing Orisa/Sigma barriers, is that DoubleMainTank is counterable by Rein comps and Winston comps.
And they aren’t going to be able to do that at medium range, so close range is the way to do that.

i feel like sigma could use some help too though, but orisa probably needs it more,

i actually did a workshop test on how sigma would feel with his barrier delay removed, using some rudamentary workarrounds (hence why you´ll see me spamming barrier like crazy), heres the replay of me testing it:


This was sigma with

  • 200 Barrier regeneration rate
  • No barrier recall delay

It felt actually kind of good

Ah yes, Tank Queues are a problem because I personally don’t play BarrierTank enough.

Even though my top played heroes after season 4 are Rein, Orisa, and Winston.

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Yet your profile shows (in order) Junkrat, rein, mei , roadhog.
1/4 are the ‘must have’ that you say are needed.

Heck shows 1/3 of the time you play tank this season you choose a non-barrier tank and instead chose Roadhog which in your opinion is throwing and causing other’s SR to drop.

Should I add your next two are Zarya and Sigma ?

I really like the Zen discord orb idea

You think looking at somebody’s Quickplay hours tells you about what they play in Comp?

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“Tanks are objectively the strongest role in the game, so lets make them even stronger”

I love forum logic.

Many of your changes seem to be turning tanks into fat dps.

They are strong, assuming the DPS and Healers are “doing their job, and following your pushes”.

But on a weaker team, a really good Tank probably loses, regardless of how many clutch plays they make.

Arguing that “It’s easier to climb with barrier tank than DPS” would be entirely laughable.

“Its easier to climb on a tank” is absolutely and demonstrably true. Its almost laughable to assume its not.

Nobody questions that tanks are the strongest role in the game, just as no one questions that they have the biggest impact on the game, and that having the team with better tanks is the best way to boost your chance of victory. These are just accepted truths so its hard for me to buy that we need to buff that role and its definitely crazy for me to hear to buff a barrier when the power shift away from barriers was probably one of the best changes this game had.

Another thread where barriers are being over valued, eh? If you think Sigma is too easy to kill as is, then hoo boy these changes would cripple him hard!

I was looking at comp.

The goal is to ideally make it so Sigma doesn’t need to be played by the equivalent of Symmetra-onetricks like yourself, or paired with another barrier tank.

And that he should be useful as a main tank with an offtank.

Instead of basically being an offtank.

I’m a Symm one trick, huh?

You’re a Sigma specialist.

And while you can make him work, that’s kinda like saying Symmetra has been balanced for the entire history of Overwatch, because there have always been people like Steevo that can get to Top500 with the hero.