✅ 1x BarrierTank Role Queue design

Oh oops I glossed over the time. :roll_eyes:

The panic set in when I saw “locked”

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to which they should…because frankly even the current state of barriers is unaccepteable,

not even a double barrier can save you from the damage spam, especially now that they buffed hitscans to act as psudo-barrier breakers (thing they were suposed to be bad against as a tradeoff for their insane ranged damage capability)

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It’s mostly a convenience for people who actually want to play Barrier Tank, and don’t have to argue for the right to have it

Especially if they plan on making barriertanks more fun

I could go either way on that.

The main problem to me is that BarrierTanks have a hard time compensating when they have a weakness in their composition.

I.e. Not getting enough Peels on Ana? Go Moira or Mercy. Pharah isn’t dying plenty of healer options. Raw damage, Zen.

With BarrierTank? Pray your other teammates know what they are doing.

sorry, this won’t happen, especially with Hammond in the game. He’s a main tank dive anchor in some comps, and an off tank harrasser in others. He is both in such a way that this wouldn’t be able to be done without a huge rework. Also, they wouldn’t put Mei into tank after all this balance, they’ve committed too hard to this.

This. People really really want Mei to be a tank on these forums, and it simply would never work. It’s ok to for heroes to have skills that are not in line with their class. It keeps the game interesting.

Congratulations for not reading the post.

As for Mei, they did all that balance and she’s STILL meta in OWL. They gotta try something else, or just nerf her into the ground completely so she sucks on ladder and OWL.

These are very cute and well done graphics, but these ideas are terrible. Also I don’t understand why you keep making barrier tank a conjunctive word. Utterly bizarre

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congratulations for being a dick.
As for mei, don’t get your hopes up.

I think there are a lot of people that would want Mei out of the OWL meta.

Also Mei players probably wouldn’t like how she plays after 3-4 more nerfs, which is what it would otherwise take to get it so she isn’t played in OWL.



All the yes to this concept.

I’ve been following this closely from a distance and I can honestly say I hope ow team are watching and are willing to card this idea at least

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I don’t know who any of those people are. Their thoughts and opinions mean very little to me.

OWL Casters, and Avast who’s a former OWL player.

Please. I want to play off tank. I’m so bad at main tank so I always have to lose whenever the other tank doesn’t go Rein.

Man, I really need to rework this.

The logic is good, but it’s giving people the wrong impression.

It’s a “BarrierTank Dibs Queue”, not a “BarrierTank Role Lock”.