♡ Introduce Yourself! ♡

Who are you?
Shadowboxer. I am an currently an officer candidate in the U.S. Army.

How long have you played for?
A little less than a year.

Who do you main?
I main McCree.

Why do you main them?
Because the western gunslinger is one of my favorite hero archetypes.

Who’s your least favorite hero?
Symmetra. She is the only character in the game that I legitimately wish did not exist.

What’s your favorite map?
Hollywood, if I have to choose.

What’s your favorite skin?
Blackwatch. I really hope it becomes available again sometime.

Why do you use the forums?
To chat and champion McCree’s cause with the game developers.

Who are you?

Chaxinitus, 23, billing speciliast for a trucking agency

How long have you played for?

Don’t remember off hand when I got it, but it was just before Ana dropped I believe. I know it was when D.va would still die to her own nerf.

Who do you main?

Depends on the day and the team comp. In terms of fun/need DPS, Junkrat or Hanzo, if we need a healer, usually Lucio, tank? I can be a decent Rein.

Why do you main them?

Either fun factor or how I feel most effective. I can put out a lot of damage and be pretty accurate as hanzo/junkrat, I can heal pretty well and stay alive a while as lucio, and I can feel how much damage I block as rein more than I do with other tanks (Though if we need pure HP more than barrier, Roadhog is an easy second choice)

Who’s your least favorite hero?

To play as probably Orisa or Sombra, I just never feel effective playing as them. To play AGAINST, same ones really. I hate losing abilities, it doesn’t feel “nice” I guess, so hacking frustrates me, Orisa’s gravball has always felt janky to get hit by. I don’t mind the effect at all, but I used to play on 1k ping internet and it feels similar to the rubberbanding on that.

What’s your favorite map?

QP/Comp: King’s Row, this one feels the most skill-based and balanced with no lean toward attack/defend IMO

Deathmatch: Eichenwalde. Something for everyone here, Boopers can boop, reins can rein, lotta tight corridors for scatter arrow spammers Hanzo mains and junkrats.

What’s your favorite skin?

Probably good ol’ Buck Bumble Lucio or Jazzy. I used to play Lucio with the Buck Bumble Theme 10 hours playing.

Why do you use the forums?

Dev Commentary, Community Commentary, Seeing any updates in terms of how characters might change (Hanzo Volley).

:heart: Thanks for reading a massive text wall ya lovely dorks :heart:


Since a few weeks after launch day

Ana, but I often play every healer and tank

I love her playstyle


King’s Row

Cultist(The Cthulhu Zen Skin)

I want to talk about the game

Hello there (General Kenobi),

I am Bendubz11, I’m 21, and I play on Xbox.
My other account, TORBRBRBrbrbrb, is named after the now infamous quote, and unsurprisingly is a Torb OT account, though I got bored of OTing before level 25 so now I just use it for the rare meme post.
I first started playing in early October last year, just before the Halloween event.
As I said my other account is a Torb OT, but on this one I take great joy in flexing. S7 my most played was Zen and this season it’s Orisa, but Torb, Sombra, Moira, Rein, Pharah and Soldier all get regular play too.
In short, I flex so much that Baymax, I mean Orisa, looks up to me.
My least favourite character is probably Bastion, he just doesn’t interest me to play, though lore wise I love him.
My favourite map is definitely Ilios Well, but I really dislike Ilios Lighthouse.
There’s no doubt what my favourite skin is:Totally 80s will always reign supreme, and the moment it becomes available again I will be buying it

I use the forums for multiple reasons. Memes, Balancing, seeing what the Devs say, but most of all because of all the great people who regularly post. Y’all awesome <3

Who are you?
I am Catbus.

How long have you played for?
One year, seven months—since roughly a month after the game came out, I believe.

Who do you main?
I don’t main. I don’t believe in it. I’ve made it a point to try to achieve a basic level of competence on every hero, something I think more players should do.

That being said, I have the most hours on Lúcio, and aside from him, I’m best with Symmetra, Torbjörn and D.Va.

Why do you main them?
I like playing Lúcio on KotH maps (except Oasis) for the speed advantage and because they offer many opportunities for boop kills. I play Symm and Torb on defense on specific maps, because I have systems for where I place my turrets and teleporters. And I play D.Va because I like the “bully tank” role (see also: Winston).

Who’s your least favorite hero?
The hero I enjoy playing the least is Mei. The heroes I’m worst at are Mei, Widowmaker and Genji. (I used to include Hanzo and Tracer in this list, but I’m finally starting to get somewhere with them.)

What’s your favorite map?
Ilios! Boop!

What’s your favorite skin?
Sanzang Zenyatta.

Why do you use the forums?
A feeble crusade to bring enlightenment to a player base determined to ignore the fact that Overwatch is a game of teamwork and strategy.

Who are you?
I’m Me. :stuck_out_tongue:

How long have you played for?
Dec 24, 2016

Who do you main?

Why do you main them?
No one takes support. Plus i think it is fun.

Who’s your least favorite hero?

What’s your favorite map?
King’s Row/Watchpoint: Gibraltar/Numbani - Basically most Payload & Hybrid maps

What’s your favorite skin?
Mercy witch.

Why do you use the forums?
To waste time.

Who are you?
Vixyfox on PC & PS4, and Vixyfoxchan on Xbox!

How long have you played for?

November 2016

Who do you main?

I main mostly healers. Zenyatta, Moira, and (begrudgingly for a while in comp) Mercy.

Why do you main them?

I love healing! It makes me feel like I’m really contributing to the game when I can keep someone alive during a team fight. It can be thankless sometimes but for the most part it’s great!

Who’s your least favorite hero?

I really don’t like Torbjörn. I’m not a big fan of Bastian either.

What’s your favorite map?

King’s Row by far! But I also love Oasis, Junkertown, and Blizzard World. Really, the only map I don’t like is Horizon Lunar Colony.

What’s your favorite skin?

This is a really hard question because I love so many but…I’m going to have to go with Zenyatta’s Sanzang AKA Handsome Zenyatta.

Why do you use the forums?

I like to see different people’s opinions about different topics. It makes me see things in a different light sometimes. It’s also a great place to get advice on playing new characters or learning new techniques.

Who are you?
Golo, by my internet persona. 24 and gay af (we’re suppose to add a fun fact about ourselves here, right?)

How long have you played for?
Ummm, not long after launch, not entirely sure but quite a while.

Who do you main?
I try to play a variety of character’s (I have at least 5 hours in everyone), but I guess I technically main Mercy since I have most hours in her.

Why do you main them?
Since I main her on a technical standpoint, I don’t know how to answer this.

Who’s your least favorite hero?
Is scatter arrow an option?

To play, Probably doomfist, I can’t get the hang of him, plus I feel he is under powered.

What’s your favorite map?
I like german castle (I can’t spell echenwdlkfhuaio). Blizzard world is neat to just for the fact you can tell they had fun making it.

What’s your favorite skin?
There’s a few I really like, Witch Mercy, Cultist Zen, Rudolph Roadhog

Why do you use the forums?
I’m a salty SoB

Who are you?
I’m myself

How long have you played for?
Since 2016 before halloween event

Who do you main?
DPS main, mostly soldier and tracer

Why do you main them?
Because I’m good at them

Who’s your least favorite hero?

What’s your favorite map?
Illios I guess

What’s your favorite skin?
Ana ghoul

Why do you use the forums?
To ask for Mercy nerfs

Who are you?
Matt, 25 years old, have a Bachelor’s in chemical engineering and going for Masters in physics

How long have you played for?
Since June 2016

Who do you main?
Mercy and Reaper

Why do you main them?
Mercy: I really enjoyed playing Medic in TF2 and she plays similar to him. I generally prefer support roles in general.

Reaper: This one surprised me. I didn’t like him at all when I started playing OW but when I started testing him out I found out I wasn’t too bad with him. He’s got a teleport, an escape, high damage up close, and self-healing. I like all these aspects.

Who’s your least favorite hero?
My least favorite hero is whoever is currently countering my hero choice.
I don’t like playing Hanzo because I can’t aim with him.

What’s your favorite map?
Eichenwald probably. Though being on attack can be very frustrating if you cannot break through the defenses.

What’s your favorite skin?
Witch Mercy is everything I ever wanted

Why do you use the forums?
To keep up with updates, see what people think of major changes/happenings, to wrestle with Jeff

Who are you?
I am Beam, 20 year old Gaming, Esports and Anime fan.
How long have you played for?
I played Overwatch for 2 years now.
Who do you main?
I main Rein and Mercy, and now also Moira
Why do you main them?
I like their design and kit. Kinda fit the way i wanna play, help others do better.
Who’s your least favorite hero?
My least favorite hero is probably going to be Symmetra, dont play her, dont like playing with her and against her.
What’s your favorite map?
Gotta be Nepal, all three of them.
What’s your favorite skin?
Im in love with the Witch Mercy skin.
Why do you use the forums?
I dont, this is my first post.

I really don’t think it’s Bungie’s fault though. All the micro transactions and the split up DLC came from, guess who, Activision. But I do think the quality of the DLC dropped over time. It’s a shame to. Destiny was great between the HOW and the TK expansions.

Who are you?
Im Trailock a 19 years old student from Denmark
How long have you played for?
I have played since launch and followed the games development during beta
Who do you main?
I dont main a certain hero but im best with hitscan heroes but my most played hero is widowmaker besides that im a very flexible player.
Why do you main them?
I love sniping and hitscan in every shooter game i have played so thats probably why
Who’s your least favorite hero?
Winston and Symmetra i do not like heroes where you dont need to aim and has an auto lock on. Its a playstyle i despise
What’s your favorite map?
Blizzard World im just a huge fan of Blizzard in generel
What’s your favorite skin?
Cote D’azur Widowmaker
Why do you use the forums?
Mostly to see if other people agree with my opinions

Who are you? - Hammeh (not a young man anymore)

How long have you played for? - Since Closed Alpha/Beta, making videos since announce at Blizzcon 2014 :slight_smile:

Who do you main? Probably Tanks (D.va, Zarya, Winston, Orisa) at the moment, with a smattering of Zen and Supports.

Why do you main them? - NERF DIS

Who’s your least favorite hero? - Genjis. I am useless at playing him, but love to tickle him with electricity.

What’s your favorite map? Blizzard World (ambience and lore), competitively I love control point maps in general.

What’s your favorite skin? Anything canon lore-wise…so, Captain Amari probably! Also cultural skins with cool references…Journey to The West Skins/Lunar New Year skins in general :slight_smile:

Why do you use the forums?
Old habits die hard :wink:

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Who are you?
I’m Foxx, I’m 21 years old and I live in Portugal :smile: I’m studying Biology.

How long have you played for?
Since September 2017.

Who do you main?

Why do you main them?
I always liked him design-wise when my boyfriend started playing (he bought the game on the first day). More than a year passed since then and when I bought the game I started with Sombra, but had a really hard time since it was my first FPS and I had no idea what I was doing… so I decided to try Junkrat since I already liked him and had more sucess. He’s very fun to play with, my boyfriend thought I was gonna be a Hanzo main because I’m an archer in real life but actually Junkrat’s grenades are way more similar in trajectory to my bow’s type so I have that in my favor. :bow_and_arrow:

Who’s your least favorite hero?
I like them all, but I don’t enjoy playing Rein, Zenyatta and Doomfist much. :c

What’s your favorite map?
Ilios and Lijiang tower gameplay-wise, but Eichenwalde, Temple of Anubis, Kings Row and Route 66 are the prettiest.

What’s your favorite skin?
Cricket (Junkrat), Los Muertos (Sombra), Asp/Quinlong (Pharah), Snow Owl (Ana), and Nevermore/Plague doctor (Reaper). I love birds :bird:

Why do you use the forums?
I’m curious to read about other people opinions on things, I was mostly a lurker on the old forums but I hope to change that this time. :3

My name is Unholy and I’m a 17 year old high school student.
How long have I been playing?
Since Christmas 2016.
Who do I main?
I main Hanzo and Genji.
Why do I main them?
I really like the play style of both characters and I couldn’t choose just one of them.
Least Favorite Hero
I’d have to say Reinhardt or Mei. Hear me out, I don’t like the way Rein plays and I just don’t like playing Mei.
Favorite Map?
Easily Hanamura, its such a beautiful map.
Favorite Skin?
Blackwatch Genji.
Why do I use the forums?
I use the forums to interact with people when I don’t want to interact with people at school. ^-^

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Who are you?
Chrystian, 25
How long have you played for?
Since the first Halloween event (those skins are what made me buy the game)
Who do you main?
Why do you main them?
High HP, self-healing, good damage
Who’s your least favorite hero?
What’s your favorite map?
Ilios and Blizzard World
What’s your favorite skin?
I don’t remember the skin’s names, but basically the Halloween’s ones, and Nike Mercy

since January 2017
Im good at him and he is fun to play
classic doomfist/blackwatch genji
to see what the mercy mains are complaining about today

Who are you?
Amo…47 y/o Social Worker

How long have you played for?
Since the first post-blizzcon closed beta wave
Who do you main?
Supports/Tanks (specifically Lucion, Moira, Mercy, D. Va, Orisa)
Why do you main them?
because no one else will! Seriously though, I enjoy the challenge that those roles bring to a match…kind of a “they can’t live without you” motivation.
Who’s your least favorite hero?
Sombra - I just can’t get a grasp on her
What’s your favorite map?
Kings Row
What’s your favorite skin?
This changes over time of course, but i’d have to say overall, D. Va’s Carbon Fiber skin.
Why do you use the forums?
I utilize the forums in my completely futile quest to bring logic and reason to most of the topics covered here. There are so many misinformed posters, as well as way too many people who just post as a knee-jerk reaction to something they take no time at all to actually think about.

-Lynne, but most people just say ‘V’ or ‘Vil’ cause of my screen name
-Been playing since May 2016 launch
-Technically I main Junkrat but I also main support in general
-Junkrat was just a fun character and he reminded me of TF2’s demo man who I adored playing, as for Support maining I like feeling and being helpful I suppose.
-Least favorite to play would be Widow, I’m horrible at her. To play against, I really hate a good Tracer. I adore the character in general but hate being against a good one.
-Favorite map has to be Eichenwald.
-Favorite Skin…that’s tough for me, probably Barbarian Zarya or Cruiser Dva

  • I use the forums to kinda be on the up and up. I play on Console so in some ways and play styles it’s a totally different world. I really like going to the PTR forums, we don’t have the option of a PTR so it kind of prepares me for what I’ll be dealing with or seeing before we get that surprise update notification on PS4.