★ New CREATOR EXPERIMENTAL patch notes (New changes)

They way Violet gave all supports fun changes except Zen and Mercy but just nerfed them…

on a Joke/Fun card…

whadda joke lolz


yeah it takes 2 seconds of the orb on the SAME person to activate the cleanse and slow and the orb has already passed them under 1 second LOL

and most CC is like 1 second… and if someone is being attacked by Moira and her damage orb they gonna be dead in 2 seconds, so the slow does nothing…?


yea that reduced healing… sigh

WHAT!! just read the moira one, guess im gonna have some suicide deaths lol

Did anyone really need Winston to deal 100 damage with a goomba stomp? Did everyone forget Winston has a 1s CD on jump when he’s in primal?

Also, why would you nerf zen like that?


Yes buff monke. We love monke


I was expecting incendiary rounds for Mercy’s blaster :fire:

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Im going to lose to even more picking out snipers now ;_;

But i like rein changes, im suprised at them giving him back old shield, and didnt done this stupid cancel charge buff as well.

Good Moira changes actually. I know that this is probably just for trolling but this kind of utility is what she needed since day one. Maybe not the Fade one, but the rest is great. Especially the healing and orbs!


The experimental patch is nerf Mercy again…


U know that Moira’s change

= 1 nerf

and 2 useless buffs on biotic orb as they take 2 seconds to activate lol

the slow only activates after you damage someone for 100 damage and if Moira is fighting a 200 HP DPS she will kill them before the slow activates

The Cleanse it takes 2 seconds of healing on an ally, and that person is already dead if it’s anti-nade or sleep lol

And the fade thing… yet again they trying to give her some group cleanse on her fade LOL and I assume that the cooldown for that will be 500 seconds because it’s Moira :sunglasses:


This post is a troll/spam

lmfao has Violet even played Moira for 1m?

maybe I have a problem, but I join the game and I don 't see experimental, like, they dissapear?

Zen nerfs are pretty dumb. The rest looks fun. Would have liked Wilson’s rail gun included so I can practice.

Omg that Genji double jump refund sounds very fun to try out. I miss playing him like that in 2017.


Oh is that who came up with this?

Why am I not surprised, the one who ranted on twitter about how Moira is a terf LOL


Isn’t there 2 violets? How do we know which ones?

It is funny, the fact that OW is the only game where other people who are not devs themselves decide how everyone else will play the game.

And on another topic where a secret, experimental card with streamers has been mentioned, a dev member said and I quote:

“There is no private, secret, clandestine, or even slightly sketch Experimental Card.”

I guess that was not true after all.


EVERY time. >:) All the time, any time, and every time. >:)

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