“Applying Update”

Several games this season (some of them comp games) when it says game found, a bar comes across the screen that says applying update and it continues to say that until I eventually alt f4 out of the game. It’s happening right now and I have been waiting roughly 30 minutes to see if it eventually goes away but it doesn’t seem to. It’s happened to me twice today just queueing for arcade, but a couple weeks ago it happened for a comp match I queued for and I had to alt f4 out of that one too because I’m stuck and can’t do anything and it won’t put me in the lobby as far as I know. I did receive a loss for that on the card but it didn’t give me a leaver penalty.


Please report it on technical support section as I did.


You are not alone in experiencing this bug. I have linked the competitive bugs megathread at the bottom of this post, which archives and documents almost every competitive bug. I put your thread under: False Suspension And Ban. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.

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Wow that is a very impressive thread, thanks

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