“Abandoned” matches

Hi, I am a console player but I recently hopped onto PC too. I played a few games on my PC today, and when I came to my console and saw the game history it says I abandoned all my last matches. I don’t know if that is normal? I clicked “leave the game” to exit the POTG screen while I was on PC, does that count as abandoned matches? I don’t know if i will be penalised for that? Or is it just a bug

I believe it’s a bug.

Abandoned matches are when u leave matches , maybe a bug or maybe it’s new

I have the same problem when i switch ps5 to xbox…

I play on PC and still have this issue, every game says abandoned, noticed a few months ago every few games would say that in the replay screen, but for the last few weeks it’s been every single game. Back in 2017 I actually started this account on Xbox and played a season or two but never used it after, I randomly stated using it on PC earlier in the year, don’t know if it’s an issue when switching your account between platforms

I have the same problem since i started to play from steam instead of battle.net, when will they fix this thing ? Its been 3 week already.

They’re working on it.

It wont be fixed until AT LEAST the next patch. They rarely do hotfixes.