Matchmaking is broken

Fix your match making blizzard I’m constantly getting golds in my game as a diamond 2 player or put in gold lobbies and I’m sick of it

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Are you sure those are actual golds, tho? Because I have multiple smurf accounts which are gold-plat, but I am getting to gm and sometimes into top100 lobbies on them, and I understand why.

I’m gold 4 and for the last 50 games or so I have been getting high diamond players i the lobby every game but what is weird that 90% of the time in the enemy team only. Also going 7-5/ 7-4 and so on against so much higher ranked players only gives me a single rank promotion so it doesn’t even take that into consideration.

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Yes just got a silver 2 plats and one diamond vs a gm team :slight_smile: