I'm done maining support

I have like 700 hours in this game, most of it in comp playing healers like Mercy, Ana, Lucio etc and I’m just done with it. You can literally be Top 500, hell even be the best healer in Overwatch ever and it won’t ever make a difference. If you have bad dps, you lose, if you have bad tanks, you lose. There is nothing you can do as a healer to carry a game. Even if you pop your ults at the right time all it does is prolong your team to stay alive a little bit longer but you’ll ultimately be dragged down by everyone else.

If you are a good DPS, and have bad tanks or heals, you can still squeeze through with a good ult or good picks. If you are a good tank that has bad dps or heals, you can still mitigate enough damage or get a good pick with roadhog hook or a good earthshatter that’ll change the course of the fight. As a support you literally have none of this.

Then not to mention every game some genji main or winston jumps into the entire enemy team, spams X like a mad man to request healing, and then screams at you on the mic when they obviously die. It’s just stupid and I’m so tired of it, I would rather spend the time getting good at DPS or Tank so I actually have the ability to carry my team or land a good ult than waste all my time playing support and just getting toxic idiots wondering why you can’t outheal the damage of 5 enemies focus attacking them at once.


I know that Feel bro or bronette, yesterday got push at coloseum, Ive picked Kiriko and other support zen…

Orisa passive aggresive Playin, hard to keep her alive

Me on Kiriko mostly healing and throwing knifes to protect support and tank.
Zen healing tank, discord enemy that Orisa is focusing… Ok new torget… Ok new torget… Ok new torget… Ffs Orisa focus on one enemy ont all of them!
Soldier 50:50 not bad but also not good
Genji 20deaths 2 kills “support diff”

Ive got 20kills and 2 deaths.
If scoreboard shows how mutch healing you get oh boy he would have a medal in that.
Whole match was whining about how mutch support succs but Heres the best part he was only one that have 20deaths rest of team had max of 4.

Well thats what happen when DPS can’t “adapt”. Wow that’s backfire them so quickly.


I feel you. I went 20k healing on mercy just to lose anyways because nobody wanted to kill the widowmaker


Another one bites the dust, yet we still have dps demanding Moria get nerfed. Pretty soon I think they will just remove supports and make it just dps and tanks.


Yikes, dunno why you even posted this.


Wow, nice attack I hope your ego got a dopamine hit. Don’t bother replying muted


Torb peeks corner, killed by Widowmaker
McCree sees this, peeks same corner, killed by Widowmaker
Roadhog sees this, runs around corner into 5 enemies, killed by Widowmaker
Supports both get away, ask team to regroup, they don’t
– Repeat 8 or so times on bad support games –
Roadhog, McCree, Torb: ffs support diff


showing but not telling

the role is called support you see, people that think its called ‘healer’ are probably not supporting their team with anything but heals, which isnt enough


Someone posts about their troubles on support, and, presumably because they don’t have an actual argument, people zero in on OP saying healer rather than support, as if it matters. The support role is called healer in so many games.

If you’re in a thread purely to transparently try to sh!t on other posters because you feel bad about your life, maybe close your browser, close your computer, sit back, and just think about how you could improve your life for like 5 minutes. This will be much more productive than whatever it is you think you’re accomplishing by splitting hairs over word choice.


the self own here is that i just copy pasted another thread lol

I had an epiphany the other night.

People make fun of supports who supposedly hid behind shields and herp a derp can’t be heal bots anymore. By that logic, let’s not ignore how many DPS don’t know how to position at all and constantly peek against snipers for the same reason.

Supports: Required to know where all enemies and all teammates are at all times, then adjust accordingly. Also need to duel at a disadvantage and proactively or reactively use precisely timed abilities.

DPS: Shooty gun go brrrrrr y no healz. Oops, guess I completely screwed up my inconsequential ability and have to try again in 10 seconds.



20 characters


Same. Just playing DPS/Tank for now. Queues are longer but I can put a team on my back and carry them over the finish line if I have to. Support is the hardest role while also being the least rewarding. Idk what they’re going to do to fix it.


Oh I get it you just go around attacking people in posts got it. Checked your history this is all you do.


We both know you don’t have a job.

A job application popping out at you from a dark alley probably haunts your dreams.

How about you be civil on the forums and people will be civil in return instead of you bringing your weak minded trolling and trying to package it as


I don’t feel like I don’t have any impact on support tbh. I have played Kiriko for 30 hours now and she’s my character with the second highest win rate with only Dva being higher. You won’t win with any role/character if your team consists of 4 complete fallouts, it’s always been like this.

However I agree that it feels frustrating from time to time to play support currently. While I believe that flankers aren’t even extremely overpowered in the grand picture, facing them in encounters as support feels totally unfair (especially against Sombra and Genji).


A perfect example of what makes every match predictable and absolutely boring in the new 5v5 experience. Shame on you Blizzard for ruining a good thing. 5v5 is vastly inferior and unfun.


What’s funny is that most of the playerbase (who are dps mains) would actually like that.

They already look to Sym or Sombra for support utility. All they need to do is buff Soldier’s heal and move Moira to DPS and you can delete the Support role.

Then do it. You’ll quickly discover that there’s really no difference. I have 2700 hours in OW1 and around 65 hours in OW2. In OW1 tanks had the most carry potential cause they could do so much; control front line, control space, and peel. In OW2 you lose the peeling aspect on most tanks cause you have to hold front line and take space all the time, and that’s a pretty big hit to the control tanks have over matches. If your supports die you cannot do your job and it’s up to your supports and dps to keep them alive.

Every role in overwatch enables another role. Tank enables dps by creating space, dps enables support by peeling, support enables tank by healing and utility. If any of these roles suck it can be near impossible for the corresponding role to do anything.


Yep thats blizzard matchmaking… you get punished for not running in a premade group if your not bad