Dafran allready better than most high rank Mercy Mains

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Wait then how is he better if in terms of ranks hes literally not?



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So heā€™s ā€œbetterā€ than GM mercy players despite being in masters? Ok


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Iā€™ve seen this theory before, that heā€™s really a T500 Mercy who canā€™t rank up because Mercy has zero impact. I think heā€™s just not actually that good at Mercy.


I remember the ā€œheā€™ll be stuck at diamondā€ threads

Isnā€™t he better than anyone in general?


Coming across as Dafran fanboism rather than an actual objective statement.


Do you have so little to do, youā€™re hate-watching some Mercy streamers when you obviously hate the hero and the people who main her?
Go touch some grass.



i simply objectively comparing them

i follow skietsi for mercy guide

but dafran on my opinion have better movement, are he better mercy? idk lets find out if he can finally reach top 500

Well he does have to go through master to reach GM to be fair. They all had to do it as well. For those T500 Mercies that did unranked to GMs, wouldnā€™t you agree that while in master, they were better than the average GM Mercy?

That could be the case for Dafran as well, or maybe itā€™s not. Donā€™t know. But heā€™ll climb as high as he wants to climb on the hero because thatā€™s just what he does. If he decides he wants to be rank 1 Mercy, heā€™ll be rank 1 Mercy even if it takes another year. :rofl:

This reminds me of when Samito attempted an Unranked to GM with Moira to ā€œproveā€ how easy she was.

He got hardstuck at Master and gave up.


Next time weā€™ll see Dafran casually climbing to t500 by just sitting on character selection screen, because heā€™s just that good.


I m not a mercy main but he never press tab to see the ult on its team he will need to boost, im pretty sure good mercy do that

cmon duuuuuuuuuuuuude


Nah, high rank Mercy are several times better than he is. He is not bad, but cā€™mon, fam!



yea he used to play in owl, when there were no roles. I dont understand why people are surprised he can play every char up to GM.

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This. And itā€™s embarrassing.